Listen : Hear from my clients on Health Coaching with Michelle

Curious about: What is a Health Coach? What kind of clients choose to work with me? And what they love about the work we do together? Then pop in and listen to this audio trailer compiled from 1-1 interviews with some of my clients!

When I received the final cut of this project, it was my first time listening to any of the content. I was moved to tears, incredible flattered and SO PROUD of my former clients. You are all heroes (and heroines). 

A heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to my former client, fellow Middlebury College grad, friend and superbly talented, Alex Braunstein, for suggesting we put together a trailer, conducting 1-1 interviews and singlehandedly bringing this vision to life. You ROCK girlfriend. 

PS: Please check out Alex's work for projects of your own. She's insanely talented! 

Thanks for listening and being here, xo, Michelle

LISTEN (2 minutes)
Hear from my Clients on Health Coaching with Michelle
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