Stressed? Burned Out? 7 Ways to Prevent Adrenal Fatigue.

Hello FitVista Readers!

I'm thrilled to introduce you to Dana Monsees - a fellow Middlebury College graduate, Varsity Collegiate Athlete, Health Nut, Fitness Lover and go-go-getter. Since we were five years apart during college, when we met each other via Instagram (yup) we instantly connected on our personal experience with Adrenal Fatigue and the work we do now with our clients and community - educating on how to stress-less with diet, smart workouts and lifestyle practices. We've teamed up for a duo guest post series - check out my 20 Ways to Give Yourself Adrenal Fatigue post here over on Dana's blog and read on below on how to practice prevention. This is the EPIC BIBLE OF knowledge I wish I had 3-4 years ago when I was burned out and a basket-case of stress.

Xoxo, Thanks for reading, Michelle 

Hey friends!

I’m Dana - the Nutritionist, Health Coach & Blogger behind Real Food with Dana, a healthy living website where I teach you how to heal and thrive with real, totally delicious food. I’m pumped to meet you all and be guest posting on for my awesome friend Michelle  - thanks for having me guys!


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I know what it’s like to have adrenal fatigue - and complete adrenal exhaustion, and I don’t ever want to go back there again. So how can we prevent adrenal fatigue?

Whether you run your own business, have a side hustle + a full or part-time job, are in graduate school and trying to balance all of those things, have a family, or are just busy AF and can’t keep your head on straight...we all have those times when everything just feels like *too much* and you’re just going to sit down and cry in the middle of the road if one more thing happens, right?


Let’s be real. Most of us who get adrenal fatigue, cortisol resistance or adrenal exhaustion are total type-A personalities, entrepreneur types, who love high-intensity workouts, competing in half marathons, triathlons, etc., have a million things going on and thrive on being busy (and stressed).

Work hard, play hard, right? It’s just how we do.  But it’s that work hard, sleep less, caffeinate (and drink) more, work out harder, play harder lifestyle that creates the perfect environment to develop adrenal fatigue. Adrenal exhaustion (and HPA axis dysregulation) are also tied in with a host of other adrenal-related problems, like thyroid issues, losing your menstrual cycle, leaky gut/intestinal permeability, sudden onsets of anxiety, low blood pressure, weight gain, cravings, and massive blood sugar imbalances, just to name a few. And by the time we realize that it may be our personality and lifestyle choices that are creating these symptoms, it’s already too late - and we’re in the throes of chronic exhaustion and adrenal fatigue, not knowing what to do about it to recover

So whether you’ve had adrenal fatigue before, you think you may have it, or you’re trying to prevent yourself from slipping into adrenal fatigue (for the first time or again), we need a game plan. Today, we’re talking about 7 strategies to prevent adrenal fatigue. These are tools I use in times of high stress to prevent both myself and clients I’m working with from slipping back into cortisol resistance, extreme fatigue, crazy whacked-out hormones and cravings, under-recovering from workouts, and the vicious cycle that is adrenal fatigue like from happening again.

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1. Chill the f*ck out. (stress less)

Easier said than done, especially for us competitive, go-go-go, entrepreneur, A-types. Many people who suffer from adrenal fatigue, or who on track to get it, have lifestyles similar to mine. They overwork themselves in every aspect of their lives, make food choices that don’t adequately support their bodies (specifically with extremely low-carbohydrate, low-fat diets and excess amounts of caffeine and alcohol). They have the “can’t stop won’t stop” mentality, and they force their bodies to go until they literally can’t go any more. And for these people, it is *the hardest thing* to chill out and allow themselves to relax. Have trouble doing yoga or meditation because you can’t calm your mind down, and you think you could be doing so many other things with your time? This is you - and these are the people who need yoga and meditation the most.

You cannot recover from adrenal fatigue if you have stress coming from every area of your life. So we need to figure out where we can cut some stress out, where we can learn to manage unavoidable stress, and build in some stress-relieving practices. 

Chill the f*ck out. PRACTICE SELF-CARE. Do some yoga, or meditate for 5 minutes in the morning with an app. Get a massage. Take a walk in the park with your dog. Listen to a podcast or some calming music. The world will not stop spinning because you didn’t hit everything on your to-do list or post on instagram today. YOU WILL BE FINE, I promise.

Another tip? Stop letting little things get to you. So what if you’re stuck in traffic on the way to a big meeting? Yeah, it sucks. But there’s literally nothing you can do about it (aside from get out of your car and sprint to the office, which I’m guessing you’re not going to do… and imagine the pit stains? ugh.), so you might as well chill out, apologize when you get there, and move on. 

I know you still have commitments, and a million things to do. Here’s what I do - at the beginning of every week, I make a list of all the things I MUST get done that week. Schedule it all out by day like appointments to yourself. Pro tip: schedule in breaks, where you can *actually* chill out, go for a walk, take time for yourself. This is key to recovery and preventing adrenal fatigue. 

2. Say no to high-intensity exercise, long runs, and your favorite spin class.

Yes, that means crossfit. And zengo cycle. And your yoga class with weights. And pretty much everything you love to do, I get it. 

But let’s think about it. When was the last time you weren’t *totally exhausted* after a workout, when it didn’t take you days to recover before your next one? When you didn’t have to drag yourself out of bed with multiple cups of coffee and then take a preworkout, just to get through your workout?  

You already have a lot of stress in your life, and stress - whether it’s “good” or “bad”, can come from multiple places - and exercise is one of them, even if you love it. Your body has a certain threshold for stress, and once you go above that, it’s the total exhaustion / hormones totally out of whack / can’t get out of bed in the morning / can’t recover from workouts / when is this going to stop? Feeling. 

Exercise is a form of stress on the body, and if you’re already dealing with a lot of stress, it’s probably too much for your system to handle. High-intensity exercise and cardio (running, biking, etc.) spike your cortisol, which is why people with adrenal fatigue sometimes can feel soooo good for a little while after a hard crossfit workout, spin class, etc. But then, you totally crash, can’t function for the rest of the day, and can barely drag yourself out of bed the next morning to do it all again. So yes, your favorite workout could be pushing you farther into adrenal fatigue. It sucks, I know. But it’ll get better as long as you take some time off to recover.

What to do so you don’t go stir crazy? Walk. hike or bike (leisurely). Scale your workouts waaaay back. Lift some weights - but not to your max. Stick with low intensity. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. it will tell you when it’s too much. 

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3. Be selfish. Put yourself first.

This may sound like weird advice, but it’s like oxygen masks on an airplane - you have to put on your oxygen mask first before you can help anyone else. If you’re sick, how are you supposed to help others - whether that be your family, your friends, your clients, your growing business, etc.? Take time for yourself, and put your recovery above others needs (while being reasonable, of course. If you have kids or a pet, you can’t just leave them to fend for themselves!)

Stop saying yes to to extra commitments or ones that stress you out. No, you do NOT have to go to that person’s party if you’re totally exhausted. You do NOT have to offer to drive carpool every day. You need to recover, so you can be there for everyone else in your life. 
Say no to toxic friendships and relationships (another form of stress and negativity that you could probably do with anyways). Avoid negative people and negative self talk.

If you can, work from home some days. 

Quit that job that makes you dread waking up every day. Maybe you can’t do it now, maybe not in a few months, but you can start thinking about options. I did it, and I’ve never looked back. 

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4. Stop eating food that makes you and your body feel like sh*t. 

Here’s the thing. Some of the foods you eat may seem totally fine for you. You don’t have celiac, you don’t feel like you’re sensitive to gluten, and you eat it all the time, so you must be fine, right? Well. The thing about gluten, dairy, soy, and a couple other potentially problematic foods is that they have a high probability of causing inflammation throughout the body (which you already have going on if you’re dealing with adrenal fatigue symptoms), and we can’t put that fire out unless the inflammation-causing agents are removed for a period of healing. 

ELIMINATE (for now) foods that can cause inflammation, blood sugar spikes, or an unhealthy psychological response.

  • Gluten
  • Dairy
  • Crappy cooking oils (hydrogenated, vegetable oils, soy oil, peanut oil, corn oil) - check your ingredient labels!
  • Artificial sweeteners and added sugars
  • Junk food (processed, packaged junk. That means you, twinkies). 
  • Simple aka high glycemic carbohydrates (aka white foods) like white flours, white rice, white potatoes. These spike your blood sugar



5. Eat REAL (nutrient-dense, healing) FOOD.

And make sure you’re eating enough. A lot of the time when I work with adrenal fatigue clients, there’s a common history of over-exercising and under-eating, whether it’s for weight loss or body composition goals, an  unhealthy relationship with food and their bodies, or even disordered eating. Did you know 1200 calories a day is the recommended intake for a THREE YEAR OLD? I don’t know how old you are, but if you’re reading this, you’re definitely not three years old. Just saying. Low calorie / low carb / low fat = high stress for the body. 

Healing foods for adrenal fatigue:

  • Healthy fat + protein at each meal.
  • Slow-digesting carbohydrates like sweet potatoes and starchy vegetables (winter squash), parsnips, plantains, etc. 
  • Dark leafy greens
  • Colorful veggies = nutrient density. Eat as many as you want.
  • Vitamin C-rich foods: broccoli, dark leafy greens, citrus fruits, kiwi, tomatoes, pomegranate.
  • Magnesium-rich foods: green leafy veggies, dark chocolate, and nuts + seeds.
  • Add himalayan sea salt to your food to help with low blood sugar. 

Increase the healthy fats. However. Upping the healthy fats in your diet will help. It’s hard to be prescriptive with specific recommendations since I don’t know you or your specific situation, but make sure you’re getting at minimum 75-100g of carbohydrates per day for adrenal fatigue healing, for now. 

Note: A ketogenic/super low carbohydrate diet is not your friend right now. Keto can be very therapeutic in other situations, however, for NOW, when your body is already totally stressed out and hormones are out of whack, your body won’t even allow you to get into ketosis. And going lower carbohydrate right now isn’t going to help heal your hormones or cortisol rhythms. 

Not only WHAT you’re eating, but HOW you’re eating is also extremely important here. Don’t scarf down your food while driving/watching tv/running between errands. Take time to sit, breathe, and practice mindful eating - so you can actually digest, heal and reap the benefits of these nutrient-dense foods you’re eating. 

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6. Stop drinking coffee AND alcohol.

This is not a fun one, I know. DANA. You can take away my gluten-filled goodies, even my favorite sugary snacks, but you CANNOT take away my coffee. I will. Literally. Die. (and or fall asleep at inappropriate times of the day) without. It. 

And that, friends, is exactly why you need to be away from all forms of caffeine right now. Every time you drink coffee, you’re stimulating your adrenal glands, aka activating the fight-or-flight response, and producing cortisol. We’ve all experienced it from having a little too much caffeine - your heart starts to race, you feel jittery, and like you just need to go run somewhere to burn some energy off.

When you have adrenal fatigue, your natural cortisol rhythm is thrown off. Normally, cortisol is high in the morning (to wake you up), highest at noon, and then gradually lowers throughout the day to allow you to naturally fall asleep at night. With adrenal fatigue, many people have very low cortisol in the morning, and then get “tired and wired” and have a cortisol spike at night. So of course, we reach for caffeine in the morning because we literally can’t function without it - you’re right about that. But using coffee to wake up when you have adrenal fatigue is like putting a bandaid on the problem - you’re not actually fixing anything, and are only messing up your cortisol rhythms even more. 

7. Sleep MORE

At least 8 hours a night. This probably goes without saying, right? But if you’re not sleeping, how are you supposed to stop being exhausted all the time? When you’re getting *restful* sleep, your body is in recovery mode - which is exactly what you need to get out of adrenal fatigue. This may mean you need 10-12 hours of sleep per night. Which may totally not be feasible, but maybe a 45 minute nap in the middle of the day is. Do what you can! 

Try your best to get to bed before 10 or 10:30, which is where studies have shown the most restful type of sleep occurs. 

BONUS: Consider some supplements. 

When you’re stressed, the body is using up a lot more of certain vitamins to help compensate, to produce more hormones, and to try to bring your body back into homeostasis (balance). You can get these nutrients from food, but considering supplements in your period of recovery may be very therapeutic as well. Talk to your naturopath or nutritionist for specific dosage recommendations! 

  • Vitamin C helps the adrenals produce more cortisol
  • Magnesium is responsible for over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, and becomes more depleted the more stressed you are. It’s extremely helpful for both relaxation of the muscles, to support the nervous system, and for sleep
  • B vitamins support energy levels and can help replete what your body is losing from being in a constant state of stress and depletion from adrenal fatigue. 
  • Adaptogens are Ayurvedic herbs that studies have shown can help bring the body back into balance by moderating the stress response, strengthen the immune system, and may help lower cortisol levels. (Source: 1, 2, 3)
  • Current two favorites for stress are ashwaganda and reishi. Favorite way to get them? In teas from Four Sigmatic.

Remember, this isn’t forever.

As you recover, you’ll gradually be able to get back to your favorite workouts, your coffee and alcohol (to your tolerance, and in moderation). BUT. Remember what got you here in the first place. If, once you’re recovered and feeling better, you go back to the same lifestyle and choices that landed you to total adrenal exhaustion in the first place, what’s to prevent you from going back there again? 

Be smart. Listen to your body. Take care of it! It’s the only place you have to live. 

Dana Monsees is a Nutritionist, Health Coach, puppy lover, and the fun-sized founder of Real Food with Dana, where she teaches clients and readers how to heal and thrive with real food. Her goal is to help you find health and happiness with real food and a paleo lifestyle, one delicious meal at a time! Because life’s too short to eat boring, tasteless food. Caveman would if he could. Come check her out on Real Food with Dana!

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The 5 Veggies the Wellness World is Sneaking in to their Smoothies in 2017

Hey FitVista Crew! Here's a piece I wrote up and a shared with my private health coaching clients earlier this year and I hope it resonates with YOU today too. xo, Michelle

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Frozen ripe bananas are SO 2014. 

We've got a new crew in town and they're adding nutrition, fiber, bulk and that creamy texture to your green smoothies and smoothie bowls, without spiking your blood sugar. 

Most recipes from "back in the day" call for ONE or sometimes TWO frozen bananas. While I love fruits and encourage my clients to eat them, they can add up to a ton of sugar when blended in to a smoothie.

One medium banana has 27 grams of carbs and 14 grams of sugar! My suggestion? Reduce your banana use to 1/4 to 1/2 a frozen ripe banana and experiment adding in one of these veggies below. 

Scroll down to see a summary of the sexy ingredients the wellness world is sneaking in to their insta-worthy eats these days, and pretty soon, you'll be taking your green smoothies to whole new heights of satisfaction and nutrition this year.



1. Zucchini

Trust me on this one, you won't taste it. Throw an entire green or yellow zucchini in to your blender and you'll get that creamy texture that is perfect for a smoothie bowl. Plus, added fiber and a serving of vegetables to count for your 8-9 servings a day. 

Pro Tip: Know your zucchini is organic if the PLU code on the little sticker starts with a 9. 

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers are hydrating powerhouses and special agents for glowing skin. Hungover? Add cucumber to your morning smoothie. Cucumbers tend to be on the watery side, so don't expect the magical thickening effect of the banana or zucchini. 

Pro Tip: Peel your cucumber. I've found that skin doesn't blend well, whereas, the zucchini skin does just fine in the blender.


3. Cauliflower

This cancer-fighting cruciferous veg is another superstar way to add in bulk and that creamy texture to your smoothies. Use raw cauliflower florets, cauliflower rice or frozen cauliflower rice. 

Pro Tip: Go slow. A little bit doesn't taste like much. But too much and you could overwhelm your taste buds and your digestive system. Ease in to it babe. If you need a little extra digestive loving, try steaming your cauliflower first and letting it cool in the fridge or freezer. 

4. Avocado

Is Avocado a Fruit? Fine, stick with me here. Try adding 1/4 of this healthy fat "vegetable" to get that same desired creaminess factor, similar to the banana, zucchini or cauliflower. 

Pro Tip: Cut up 1/4 of the avocado for today and dice the rest in to chunks to keep in your freezer for future smoothies creations. 


5. Sprouts

Sprouts pack a ton of nutritional value. Just think, they're the little seeds that could go on to create an entire leaf or head of lettuce. There are a ton of varieties: Clover sprouts, alfalfa sprouts, chickpea sprouts, the list goes on. Check out your natural foods store and choose organic. Use a handful and you can barely taste them! 

Pro Tip: Make my Chocolate Spouts Milk! It's 100% boyfriend-approved. 

The Final Blend

Experiment. Go easy on yourself. Some will work out, some won't.

I've been making green smoothies with my Nutribullet for over five years and it takes time to nail your favorite taste profiles and go-to, "don't have to think, it's still 7am" combinations. 

Need a blender? Check out my >> Top 10 Reasons Why I Love My Nutribullet << Blog Post here. 


So here's my go-to green smoothie. I swear, it DOES sorta taste like ice-cream. 

My Go-To Green "Ice-cream" Smoothie Recipe

  • 1/4 to 1/2 frozen ripe banana 
  • Handful of greens like spinach or sprouts
  • Sprinkle of Cauliflower Rice (optional)
  • Half a Peeled Cucumber or half a Zucchini 
  • Almond milk
  • 1-2 Scoops Vegan Chocolate Protein Powder

Blend Greens + Almond Milk first. Then add banana and chocolate protein powder, blend again. Use less almond milk if you're making a smoothie bowl.


Find more of Michelle's tips for stress-free nutrition and wellness at and on Instagram at @michellefitvista or drop me an email at


Stress at Work : Interview with Career Coach, Compass Maven

You guys, I'm so excited to share Carolyn Birsky with you!

First, she's a gem of a writer and human being.

Second, we both went to Middlebury College together (although we didn't know each other at the time) and she was one of my health coaching clients during most of 2016. I was lucky to witness and help support her nutrition and wellness during a period of major transformation for her, founding her business Compass Maven. She'll tell you all about it! 

Third, her bimonthly newsletter / blog is one of the only emails I allow straight in to my inbox, it's just that good (so subscribe, nudge, nudge). I've learned a ton about my own life, patterns from my prior career in finance and current work styles from reading her pieces and piggybacking off her knowledge. 

Finally, she's a very dear friend and you're in such good hands. This was a fun and important interview, thanks for reading!

Xo, Michelle


Q: Carolyn, can you introduce yourself and tell our FitVista community a bit more about you?

Sure! I'm Carolyn Birsky, a certified life and career coach based out of Cambridge, MA and the founder of Compass Maven, a business that serves to help 20-something women go after and get what they want in their lives through 1-on-1 coaching, workshops and content.

I help my clients navigate the confusing decade that is their 20s so they can set themselves up for a successful future while creating a fulfilling present.

I became a coach after spending the majority of my 20s confused about what I wanted to do with my life. After graduating Middlebury College in 2010 with a BA in Psychology, I started a career in sales, but kept finding myself switching from job to job, feeling stuck and unhappy. After more work bathroom meltdowns than I can count, I came across coaching through a webinar of all places, got myself a life coach, said “This is it!” and enrolled in a training program. I received my certification from the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) in September 2016, quit my corporate job that October and haven’t looked back.

Throughout my journey, I knew there was an opportunity to help other women get out of that "stuckness" I felt in my life and career and that’s how Compass Maven came to be.

For more, visit


Q. What do you think the biggest stressor for millennials in the workplace is?

I think it’s a combination of being overextended and unengaged.

From my corporate sales experience and listening to stories from my clients, I feel like there are a lot of people (women in particular) working their butts off to do it all: perform well at work, stay fit, eat well, keep up friendships, keep up romantic relationships, travel.

Being an extremely career driven generation of women, we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to prove ourselves at work and advance our careers. And yet, a lot of the time, we’re not engaged in the work we’re actually doing. This inevitably leads to many women finding themselves asking “What am I doing this for?”

Yes, some women absolutely love their jobs and others are totally okay with it not being their true passion in life - though I would argue these women are probably overextended as well. But I think it’s the combination of being overextended and disengaged that creates the biggest source of stress.


Q. How do you create space for yourself at work?

This can be a tough one, especially in high-paced work environments where people are expected to be “on” at all times.

My biggest recommendation? Take a lunch break! Like, an actual lunch break away from your desk and out of the office.

When I worked for other people, I was always really good at taking a lunch break. I think I got in the habit because my first job out of college was technically paid hourly and I wasn’t paid for my lunch hour, so I made sure to take it. Since taking a lunch became a habit, I brought that with me to my future employers. It helped with my sanity AND my efficiency. I got a break from the office and my work, so that when I got back, I was able to look at everything with fresh eyes.

Now, for those of your readers who are freaking out a bit at taking a lunch (some of my clients have pushed back on that too), I suggest working up to it. What I mean by this is taking 5 minutes here and there throughout the day to get up from your desk, walk around the office, and then get back to your work. Over time, you can take 10 minutes, then 20, then 30. And then, who knows?

By getting more comfortable with taking some time away from your desk to breathe, maybe you’ll find yourself feeling comfortable enough to take an hour lunch. It’s okay if you’re not there yet. I’d aim to get comfortable with at least 20 minutes, though.

You’ll thank yourself later.


Q. How do you handle stressors from work that are carrying over into your evenings?

I feel like there is a short term and a long term answer to that question.

Short term: Get your mind off the topic.

When I was little and had a bad dream, my mom used to tell me to “change the channel.” I’d pretend that I was clicking a button on a TV remote and literally change the scary image in my mind to something I loved, like a birthday party or swimming. Something that was completely unrelated to the stressor and made me feel good.

I think the same can be applied to work stressors. I’m not suggesting that you ignore the stressors entirely, but sometimes you need to just take a break from them when you’re outside of the office.


  • Get some exercise. Go to the gym or a workout class and sweat it out. Or even just go for a walk. Getting your body moving can help release some of the tension you’re feeling.
  • Schedule a “no work talk” dinner with your friends, family or significant other. Having a meal that has zero work talk involved can get your mind off what’s going on at the office and allow you to dive into other important topics of conversation in your lives. We spend so much time at the office, it can be a relief to go out with some girlfriends or your significant other and just talk about things that are completely unrelated to work.
  • Meditate. I know this isn’t necessarily for everyone, but it’s worth giving it a try. Even taking 10-15 minutes to just be silent and breathe can help you work through some of the stressors you’re dealing with at the office. I find when I’m stressed out and take the time to meditate, I often find some good solutions to the problems I’ve been mulling over.


Long term: You need to take a look at if this is a consistent theme or a one-off occurrence.

Do you once and awhile come home stressed out about a client interaction or a project at work? Or do you find that every night you are coming home with the same complaint about your boss or colleague or your job in general?

If it’s the former, use some of those short term solutions to just get it out of your system. If it’s the latter, it might be time to take a real look at the work life you’ve got going on.

If you really can’t disconnect from work stress every day, might it be time to look for a new job either internally or at another organization? Might it be time to advocate for yourself in a conflicted relationship with a colleague or your boss?

I’m not saying you should walk in tomorrow and quit your job upon realizing that it is a constant source of stress outside of the office. I’m suggesting that you start considering your options and what is really going to make you happy. And then find some space to explore this either with a coach or a mentor or someone you trust.


Q. What self care thing can't you live without?

Going on walks!

I love starting my morning with a cup of coffee while walking around my neighborhood listening to a podcast. I started doing this earlier this spring when I was sick of being cooped up inside from our snowy Boston winter and just needed to be outdoors. Now, I make sure I do it at least a few times a week. It gets my body moving and tons of inspiring ideas come to me as I listen to my favorite podcasts.


Q. How can you tell in your body when stress or anxiety is building in your system?

We focus a lot on physical health but a big contributor to physical health is mental health. Stress, anxiety, negative thinking can actually lead to physical symptoms, even if the root cause is mental.

You choose your thoughts.

You have the power to decide what you think about and how those thoughts are going to affect you.

For example, when I get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking, I immediately feel all twisty in my stomach and really tired. Like my body wants to throw up and then sleep to avoid the negative thoughts. But once I can break through that cycle, all of those physical symptoms just evaporate, like they were never there.

So the trick is training ourselves to change our thoughts when a negative thought surfaces. In order to change our thinking, one trick I often find it helpful to ask myself,  “What is the worst case scenario?”

Sometimes just following the negative thought to the worst case scenario helps us to see how unrealistic that scenario actually is. If we can recognize that it’s just something our mind has created and not something based in reality, it’s easier shift away from stressing about it.


Now … the the lightening round!

Q. What’s your go-to workout?

Spin class!

It’s fast paced, sweaty, pushes me harder than I’d ever push myself and it’s done in 45 minutes. Plus the studio I go to in the Boston area (Turnstyle Cycle) has themed music classes, so I can choose to go to classes with music that I Iove. Anything Beyoncé or Lady Gaga themed and I’m there!


Q. What are you having for lunch today? 

I’m having the Michelle Cady special (i.e. what you lovingly refer to as a kitchen sink salad)!

I use my gorgeous bamboo bowl - thanks again for the recommendation! - and fill it with lots of lettuce and kale.

Then I chop up pretty much every veggie I have in my fridge and sometimes fruit (today I have blackberries and strawberries that need to be used). I’ll top it off with some grilled chicken or eggs for protein.


Q. Inspire us with a recent client success story!

I have a client who has been very unhappy in her job for a while, knew she needed to make a change, but had no idea what she wanted to do next. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to stay in event planning or try something totally new.

We’ve done a lot of work around what’s important to her in a job (such as her ability to be creative and have the autonomy to make important decisions around projects), as well as her strengths (such as her ability to build great relationships with clients and her strong problem solving skills), and then exploring how those characteristics can carry over to different types of positions.

I’m happy to report she’s in the midst of interviews for a new role that she’s totally psyched about and happens to still be in event planning, but with a company that will give her much more autonomy to make important business decisions, as well as flex her creativity muscles!

In a way she surprised herself that she wanted to stay in event planning, but her story is a perfect example of how much a company’s core values and culture can affect your experience in a job.

>>> Bravo to you and your client, Carolyn! 

Q. What’s the coolest event you’ve recently attended? 

Can I give 2 answers?

The first would be going with my sister to a live workshop that Gabby Bernstein held in NYC. Her work has been really influential for both of us, so seeing her in person in this beautiful church in the East Village was magic.

The second is a little more personal and was the first Vision Board Workshop I ever held. It was in my apartment with 6 girlfriends testing out the concept. I had food, wine and a killer playlist and it was just this awesome night of creation and supporting each other. I’ve held other Vision Board Workshops (and continue to do so) here in Boston - hopefully NYC soon! - and they have all been great, but there is something about that first one that always makes me smile.


Q. Do you believe in doing less or doing more?

Ah this is so hard! I definitely believe in doing less but… I don’t always walk the talk. If you looked at my calendar you wouldn’t say I’m “doing less”. But I do think that there is a ton of value in finding time to do less and slow down. Also, I don’t believe in doing more just for the sake of doing more. Working smart and efficiently is my jam, even if I tend to have a very full schedule.


Q. Your favorite quote recently.

Damn girl with the hard questions!

I post a quote every Wednesday on my Instagram account and I read so much that I feel like I’m swimming in quotes. BUT I think that one of my favorites has to be from Elizabeth Gilbert - who wrote Eat, Pray, Love and Big Magic and whom I’m dying to meet. In one of her podcast episodes she said:

“I will remind you that the definition of responsible is the ability to respond. The definition of responsible is not how many hours you put into the work week, but how well as a human being you are capable of responding to life.”

Mic drop! I mean, seriously, I think I paused the episode and just sat with that for a while. It’s so spot on and such a great reminder to all of us in our busy lives.


Q: Carolyn, where can we find you? 

My website is, where you can find my blog, freebies and get on my newsletter. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram (@compassmaven) as well. Or if you want to just say hello, you can shoot me a note at

>>> Thank you for your time and knowledge Carolyn, you rock girlfriend!

5 Ways to Shift Your Energy (without food or caffeine)

Sometimes we eat to shift how we feel. 

Hold up, this is not 'woo, woo," it’s science!

When you eat, some blood leaves your brain and rushes to your digestive tract. This creates a (short-term) respite from anxiety, stress, overwhelm or spinning thoughts.

When you drink caffeine, your adrenals super-charge, which can (temporarily) override feelings of sluggishness, sadness or fatigue.  

When you eat sugar, the blood sugar rush IS a direct hit to the dopamine centers of your brain. 


But there are healthier ways to shift your energy - and tackle that 3pm slump - without adding inches to your waistline or keeping you up all night, wired from a caffeine-overdose. 



5 Healthy Shifts

Here are some healthy, non-food related ways to shift your energy when you’re at home, at your desk OR transitioning from a busy day in to relaxation mode. 


1. A Shower : Hot, Cold or Alternating Hot / Cold : I recommend my clients take extra showers or rinse-off while on business trips or on hot NYC summer days. It’s one of the best ways to change how you feel in your body without digging in to the ice-cream or planning out your next iced coffee break. At work? Splash some cold water on your cheeks or put a cold paper towel briefly on the back of your neck.

2. Take a Walk : Try a 10 minute walk and look for green as a form of walking meditation. Get out of your own head for a few minutes by noticing green trees, green flower stems or green plants along your route. Find a loop that’s exactly 10 minutes (or 15 or 20) and next time you go, ditch your technology and walk without your phone. You’ll feel surprisingly refreshed returning to your workplace.

3. A 10 Minute Massage : Hit up the nail salon for a back and neck massage in the forward reclining chairs. Just 10 minutes can melt away stress, work on any knots in your back , mitigate a tension headache and even take away food cravings.

4. Power Nap : At home? Put yourself down for a 20 minute power nap and let your brain waves rest and reset. This could be all you need to power through your work project or recharge for an evening social engagement. Even if you don’t fall asleep, just lying in the dark with your eyes closed can calm down your nervous system.

5. Music : At work or commuting home? Rock out to a few of your favorite songs of the moment. Music has been proven to elevate your mood and change your energy.  


Try one of these next time you feel the blahs and let me know how it goes at -  I love hearing from you!

Xo, Michelle



Hi FitVista Community! 

You guys know I've been preaching the benefits of stretching, balance and stress-relief for quite some time now. After dragging my feet for a couple years, knowing I *should* make yoga a part of my weekly routine (rather than only going about once a month), I finally committed to a weekly practice at a nearby studio in May 2016 and have been very consistent over the past year! 

I feel so much more OPEN in my body and torso and it's definitely helped my running too. 

So, I was thrilled when Michaela suggested we partner up and each write about how to fit in our favorite exercise in to A BUSY WEEK. Here's my piece, Five Ways to Incorporate Quick Workouts in to Your Busy Week, as featured on Yoga Wellness Mom

So let's get right to it! Here's advice from my friend and YOGA EXPERT, Michaela Horvathova! 

xo, Michelle

Michaela getting in her 15 minutes.

Michaela getting in her 15 minutes.



A modern woman nowadays is like a superhero -- expected to be a success in all areas of her life, while also radiating happiness and having energy for everything and everyone, while looking and feeling beautiful. 

Yet, we are conditioned to believe that self-care is selfish, and should only be done after you finished your tasks; as a reward. However, there are so many benefits by focusing on self-care first! It just takes a little organizing, prioritization and self-love. 

Giving yourself the gift of self-care will completely change your life. The self-care practice I'm talking about today is YOGA.  

Think of yoga as a one stop shop. It is a great physical exercise, helps you to be more spiritual, improves your relationship with yourself and others, and motivates you to be more conscious at work, as well as giving you lots of energy. 

So how do you start YOUR Yoga Practice? 



Your practice should be tailored to your life. This concept of “bio-individuality yoga” simply means that no one yoga practice works for everyone. 

I encourage you to take a look at your schedule and block out 10-15 minutes, 3 times a week to start. A little bit of yoga, done often will bring you more benefits than a long class once a week. 

You can find endless amounts of yoga videos on YouTube, or you can just pick a few poses and create your own “flow-yoga”. 



Most yoga studios offer a free yoga class for new students.  Search for local studios near you, call and ask about this option and ask about their most popular class for beginners. 

I hear from many people how they didn’t like their first class, therefore they never went back (too advanced, or too slow). Not all classes are created equal!  Every teacher has a different style and you will like some more than others. 

So get out there, try different studios and teachers and enjoy this process!! With this method you will also meet many like minded people who will light the path for you.  


Purchase a couple yoga outfits that are designed to move with you while you practice yoga. 

It’s so important to feel comfortable and not have to adjust yourself every time you change poses.  A bra that’s supportive, yoga pants that don't always slide and a shirt that will stay in place will make your practice enjoyable. 

When going shopping, pick colors that make you happy and make you feel beautiful.  There are so many fabulous options now that allow you to go from a yoga studio to dinner with your friends without having to change.  I love Lululemon (and Fabletics for more affordable options).


Visit your local library or bookstore and explore different books on yoga and you will find different styles and teachers that will inspire you. The history and philosophy of yoga is fascinating as well and will give you a different perspective for your practice and life.  

>>>> No time to make it to the bookstore? Check out Michaela's Instagram here! 


I always suggest to have at least one private lesson with a yoga teacher that you like in the beginning. 

It might seem like a luxury, but actually is a necessity.  When you work with a teacher one on one, this allows time for you to learn proper alignment which is so important to prevent injury in your practice.  This will be your foundation to a successful yoga lifestyle.  You can also ask questions without feeling like you're interrupting a class.  

Overall, have an open mind and have fun!!



PS: Ever since I became a mother, my time is limited and I usually don’t have time to drive out to a yoga studio and take an hour class as much as I used to.  So my practice now happens to be on a play mat with my daughter, in bed upon waking (light stretches and breath work) or in the kitchen or outside on our walks.  No matter how busy my day is, I always take this time to connect to myself.  By doing so I am able to be the best mommy to my little angel, honoring both of our needs. 

For inspiration on all things wellness you can find Michaela at or Instagram: MiCHAELAHORVATHOVA


Michaela Horvathova, founder of, empowers women to live a healthy and fulfilling life.  She is a Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and a Proud Mommy.  Her journey into the wellness industry began a decade ago when she first learned yoga on her own in her living room.  Since then, her passion for a deeper meaning of life began and evolved as she traveled the world, learning from experts and sharing her knowledge whenever possible.  

Thanks for reading! xo, Michelle

Spring Bucket List #2017

Before we spring forward, let's rewind. Wayyyy back to January 2006. 

I made a "Bucket List" of everything fun and out of the box I wanted to do that winter and spring at Middlebury College. It included, cross-country skiing, a trip to Lake Dunmore, root beer floats at A&W and most hilariously, "shoe-shoeing" (I'd spelled snow-shoeing wrong).

I have the list saved somewhere in a storage box, because I ended up keeping it on my bulletin board front and center for the next 2.5 years of college. It reminded me to get my head out of the books and break from the same old routine of study | run SO many miles | party | REPEAT.

Manhattan Skyline View from LIC Waterfront.

Manhattan Skyline View from LIC Waterfront.

I didn't finish all my adventures that Sophomore Year at Middlebury and I'm glad I didn't give myself a hard deadline. In fact, it wasn't until a couple years after graduating that I finally crossed "shoe-shoeing" off the list.

Instead, the list served as a "vision board-esqe" reminder to break from my beloved routine, go on some adventure, laugh with friends and make some memories.

I was reminded of this strategy to think outside the box recently by one of my nutrition health coaching clients - who also just so happens to be Middlebury College grad! A couple months ago, she created an outdoor adventure list of places she'd like to visit outside Boston - as a reminder to create healthy weekend plans with friends that involved walking, hiking, sight-seeing and being in nature.

I was inspired. 

Feel free to jot down yours on a scrap of paper, take a photo and send it to me! I'd love to see what you're excited to get after. 

Again, I'm not holding myself to any specific deadline. If some activities end up happening next spring or later this year - ALL GOOD.

So without further adieu. Here is my 2017 Spring Bucket List!

1. New York Botanical Garden

I truly think now (end of April, early May) is the best time to hit up this Bronx oasis. My parents took me as a kid, but I think I'd have a renewed appreciation as an adult. Plus, long weekend walks are my jam. Have you been? Send me any recommendations about best time of year to go, pretty please. 

View through gates of Gramercy Park

View through gates of Gramercy Park

2. Intrepid 

A few weeks ago, Alex mentioned he'd never been to the Intrepid Sea + Ship Museum. Which makes total sense (he's from Ohio). I think my parents took me when I was about 10 years old since we grew up just outside the city. And it was FREEZING and windy along the Hudson. That said, we might have to save this one for the Fall, based on a busy schedule the next few weekends.

3. Five Mile Runs to Music


I've gotten in a great habit of hitting up strength training workouts 2-4 times a week at Beyond Movement Fitness in Long Island City (LIC) that I LOVE, and running has purposefully taken a backseat since the NYC Marathon this past November. I run with my running clients 1-2 times a week, so I'm getting in a few runs, but I miss going out on my own five mile runs to music and just feeling, thinking and flyyyying. 

After a full afternoon of my health coaching client calls + video calls, I like to get in a 20 minute walk along the water to unwind

After a full afternoon of my health coaching client calls + video calls, I like to get in a 20 minute walk along the water to unwind

4. Hiking in the Hudson


When I can't stop thinking of hiking and vista hunting, it's time to schedule a day in the woods. 

Close to NYC, I'd recommend Breakneck Ridge, Minnewaska State Park, Harriman State Park (flatter), Mohonk Mountain House or Mohonk Preserve. Email me at for more details. 

5. Wearing my Black Vegan Leather Jacket

I finally got a black leather jacket this Christmas and all my outfits are starting to CLICK. It was certainly the missing piece in my wardrobe for the last few years.

Hint, hint, there is a new FitVista tee shirt color coming out any day now .... can you guess the color? It's going to look really good with YOUR black leather jacket. You can always buy a FitVista tee for $30. They're Bella & Canvas brand, so soft and the highest boutique quality. Just email me. 

6. Reading my White Kindle on Waterfront

The LIC waterfront boardwalk is spectacular. We also have a really sweet roofdeck on our building and our own private terrace, both with reading-friendly lounge chairs. I can't wait to get in the habit of reading outside.

I would highly recommend the book "Unbound: A Story of Snow and Self-Discovery" (my Instagram shoutout here).

I'm currently reading Girl in the Woods. I dig epic stories about hiking the Pacific Crest Trail (like Wild!), but warning: the story of how the protagonist was raped in college is sad and could be triggering for some.

Next on my list is Dreamland: The True Tale of America's Opiate Epidemic and The Ramblers.

Day before my Florida Writer's Retreat began

Day before my Florida Writer's Retreat began

7. Girls Weekends

First quarter of the year was all about getting a strong start on my business for the year (CHECK - amazing new clients!), taking care of my health and making sure my recently balanced hormones and healed adrenal fatigue were well-taken care of and stayed consistent (CHECK - I feel amazing and systems are working) and well, sort of hibernating with Alex most weekends (CHECK!).

But I've been missing some girl time and being more social. Good news is I booked a trip to Philly last weekend for Easter (so fun) and am gearing up for Alex's sister's Bridal Shower + Bachelorette Party in Columbus, Ohio this weekend. Woot woot.

In May we have three weddings, my cousin in LA, my original personal trainer in northern NJ and Alex's sister .... in northern Scotland!  

Operation FUN in the second quarter is happening. 

Whole30 Chicken Salad has been my go to recently. Yum.

Whole30 Chicken Salad has been my go to recently. Yum.

8. Spring Greens

Spring is all about greens and inventive salads. I'll be writing about this more specifically in my book, but in short, we've got to eat spring greens coming out of the winter and transitioning in to summer months. Just think of the little sprouts coming out of the dirt this time of year. They're incredibly detoxing for our systems and "mustard greens" and bitter leaves are actually GREAT for you this time of year. 

I've been making sprout smoothies and incorporating more raw and fresh salads in to my lunches and dinners. It's a beautiful way to lighten up a bit after eating heavier food during the colder months. 

I made beet dip with tahini and garlic. It was interesting + pretty good! Most importantly, EASY.

I made beet dip with tahini and garlic. It was interesting + pretty good! Most importantly, EASY.


I know! We still haven't seen it yet. Alex is going to take me and we have to make this happen when it's still in theaters! 

10. New Shorts

You guys, I need to buy new shorts. My bootay is stronger now that I've been strength training all winter and well, my old shorts don't quite fit. What brand of shorts do you love? I've been a J.Crew fanatic for the last 15 years, but I seem to be in-between sizes now. Grrr. 

11. Bike Rides up Hudson to see Cherry Blossoms

I own my own hybrid bike and way back in 2009 / 2010 / 2011 and sometimes 2013 / 2014,  I'd bike up the West Side highway bike path, over the George Washington Bridge, up the river path to 9W and back down. It's a solid four hour trip from most of Manhattan, filled with epic views, tough hills and lots of satisfaction. It's pretty powerful to bike your way out of this crazy city. BRING SNACKS. I may not get to this trip until the summer, but that's OKAYYYY.

12. Crushing On 

I've been crushing on The Five Minute Journal .

These Gold Salt Shoes by New Balance / J.Crew Collaboration.

Just bought this Seed Sheet from Middlebury College Alum who was on Shark Tank. Herb garden coming at ya.

Bought a five-pack deal of blowouts from a local salon. My hair will be bouncing in to Spring, hallelujah! 

 . . . and workouts outside! BRING IT ON. 

One of my besties is having a BABY BOY any week now. I'm so excited for snuggles with her first child. <3

Branchy, our reindeer, is all ready for spring with his eucalyptus.&nbsp;

Branchy, our reindeer, is all ready for spring with his eucalyptus. 


Want to hang in person this spring? Check out these events I'm JAZZED to be leading.

Buy your tickets now and would love to see you there!

Thursday 4/27, 7-9pm: FITVISTA + HOLISTIC HAPPENING PRESENT // An Evening of Stress Relief, at Sacred Waters in LIC. 

Saturday 4/29 : When to Jump, Jump Club II : Ever think about making a big career change? I'm leading a four mile run in Prospect Park Saturday AM, then a mentored breakout session 12-2pm for all aspiring "jumpers". The afternoon will feature keynote speakers, live music, networking and plenty of locally-sourced food & beverages. Past keynotes include Sheryl Sandberg and other world-class presenters. With limited tickets, this event will likely sell out - so get yours here! And for a friends and family discount, use VIPNYC or my special #FitVista 15% off! 

Sunday 5/21, 11:30am, a NUTRITION talk at BeMoFit by ME! My topic is "Sexy Veggies, Sexy You" and I'll have green smoothie samples, a 20-25 minute presentation and a lot of Q&A. Would love to see you! Mark your calendars. This event is free. 

Wednesday 6/28, 7pm: Middlebury College Alumni Event: Fun Run in Central Park, lead by yours truly! Official details to follow by the Middlebury Alumni Office Email / Events Page. 


Seriously, xo,


Writer's Retreat + Book Update!

First, you guys are THE BEST. So many of you have been asking about my Writer's Retreat at the end of March and since I had so many pretty (and random) photos ... I put together a fun post! 

Second, thank you to my dear clients who moved around THEIR schedules so I could disappear and write-write-write for a week. Thank you, thank you! 


It had been really hard focusing on writing my book in NYC.

The energy of seeing multiple clients a day (via Skype, phone or in person) is *much* different than sitting down to WRITE A BOOK.

Throw in answering unlimited emails, posting on Instagram, going to my daily workouts and managing the admin side of my business and personal life, my brain felt scattered and ... the writing just wasn't coming. 

I got a little scared for awhile. Will I ever write this book?

But thankfully, I remembered advice from my Writing Course. Some writers can segment out 30 minute chunks every single day and write-write-write. Some writers need to schedule three day retreats in the woods and batch their writing during long stretches of unstructured time. Um YEAH, the WOODS one. That's me. 

So, I decided I needed to make a Writers Retreat happen. 

I looked in to AirBnB options in the forests of Vermont + Upstate New York, and frankly, spending $100-150 a night to go away solo to a somewhat creepy cabin with an iffy refrigerator just didn't make sense for my budget or my mind. 

So I googled flights to Florida, where my parents are now living. CHEAP FLIGHTS!!!! SCORE!!! 

I asked my Mom if I could come for a self-imposed Writer's Retreat and if I could, you know, have some space ... my own room and hours upon hours of uninterrupted time. She was SO in to the idea and promised to stock the fridge in advance, give me keys to the car and wave to me in the hallway as to not interrupt my writing process. Thank you writer gods and moms!

Social Media Detox

I knew I needed to tune out 100% from social media (Instagram is my biggest distractor and addiction) and my dear client emails in order to focus-focus-focus. 

It worked. 

Monday through Friday, starting at 8 or 9am each day and going until 5pm-ish, I would write. I sometimes went for walks when I felt myself getting stuck and I voice recorded sentences on to my iPhone. I rearranged my entire outline and built out content in each chapter. 

I wrote approximately 33% of my book. 

And yes, that accuracy may sound crazy, but it's not really! Read on!

The title of my book is still somewhat secret as I'm working with a lawyer to trademark it. . .  but I'm happy to share the subtitle: "100 Ways to Optimize Your Nutrition, Fitness & Wellness in an Urban Environment."

I've officially outlined all 100 ways, with comprehensive sub-points and I've written-ish the first 33 ways! 

The first third of the book is about Nutrition in urban living, the middle third is about Fitness in the big city and the last section is all about Wellness: self-care, stressing-less and navigating the noise living in the urban jungle. 

And since I'm a bit "written out" for now ....

Here's my week, in photos!

I flew down early Saturday morning to spend quality family time with my mom, dad and brother who was visiting. FUN. FUN. FUN!

View from the Yacht Club roof, belatedly celebrating my Mom's birthday on Saturday night.


Beaching on Sunday. After this dreary and cold March we had in New York City .... I had to get tan and stock up on my Vitamin D levels before locking myself away with my laptop! 

You guys, I love views of the sky (and from the tops of mountains). Hello, #FitVista. So inspiring. 

I was feeling a bit apprehensive Monday morning before I opened up my laptop and dove in to my outline. I'd written my outline way back in January 2016 and I wasn't sure if it would be up to my admittedly high standards . . . So I decided to pull an "angel card" from a deck of Kris Carr cards my mom had in the guest room and picked this one! 

I'd just spent two days at the beach .... and now I was ready to trailblaze, make some waves with my book.

I tried to keep food light and eat about 5 small meals a day. Green smoothie with vegan protein powder and 1/2 avocado for one mini-meal.

Turns out I didn't even need the car keys, because I went for 1-2 hour walks each day and stayed on the premise, with very little distractions (or human interactions!). I'd bring along my iPhone and record sentences on my long walks, audio writing notes and paragraphs when I felt inspired. 

Writers block? Out for another walk. 

Another mini-meal. I was definitely hungry again like 2 hours later. Not pictured, all the hummus that went along with this one!

You guys, I had two cups of coffee a day. Ever since I healed from adrenal fatigue, I promised myself #JUSTONECUP. But I rationed that writing a book was worth bending the rules. 

This is my favorite mug of my mom's. 

Almond butter on gluten-free toast, FTW. Always. My favorite snack or mini-meal.

Went on two 50-minute sweaty runs when I wrapped for the day around 5:30pm! 

I thought I'd run more, but honestly, I wanted to focus all my energy on writing and my body didn't want hard workouts. I went for lots of walks and did yoga once. 

I can't wait to start sharing book excerpts with you in a couple months ... Not ready to share any book excerpts yet, as everything is like only 60-80% edited and I'm still fine-tuning my voice. 

Alex bought me these Bose headphones for Christmas and they were a GODSEND. It was pretty quiet in the guest room at my parent's house, but this drowned out the sound of occasional lawn mowers, vacuums and helped me get in the zone. The sound quality is incredible. I particularly have liked blocking out all the bad noise on airplanes and getting cozy with podcasts during flights. Thanks Alex! He's so thoughtful and understands how sometimes my highly sensitive nature just needs QUIET.

This was administration building where I walked on the first day to mail my FitVista, LLC Taxes for 2016. $$$$. I'm actually pretty darn proud "how much I had to pay" = a sign of my booming biz success ... right?! ;)

Wore the same outfit EVERY DAY and didn't wash my hair for four days. Yup. Simplicity. 

A high moment. There were lows too, but mostly highs. 

Little sneak peak! Again, not edited AT ALL. Just mind dumping everyyyyywhere. 

FRIDAY! I cut loose with appetizers, two glasses of wine, salad, and then ice-cream. (I swear there was more to this salad, I ate the good bits and then decided to take a photo). 

There was quinoa buried under there too. I ate SO many eggs this week. Eggs fried in ghee. Talk about an easy protein to throw together for mini-meals. Love, love pasture-raised eggs. 

My biggest weaknesses for unlimited snacking .... granola and chocolate covered ANYTHING. Absolutely no breaks. Can't keep them in my own house. But my parents *always* have them around.

The sky on the last night was stunning - quite the send-off for a productive and exhilarating week! Thank you so much for reading!

Want more fun updates and excerpts from my book? Keep tabs with me on Instagram at @michellefitvista and sign-up for updates here on my site, you'll be the first to get sneak peeks and free content in a couple months. (Don't worry, I usually only email like .... once every two months!).



End on a sweet note! Ice-cream, MORE granola and MORE chocolate. Xo.

Self-Care is the Solution to Stress

"Self-Care is AN ACT OF Survival" - Audre Lorde

Hey there! Thanks so much for being here!

When I heard this quote, "Self-Care is an Act of Survival," my body and mind let out a huge sigh of relief. I admit it. I've felt guilty in the past for "indulging" in a ton of self-care. But lately .... lately .... I've realized I've been ahead of the trend. 

Self-care is the antidote, the cure, the answer, the preventative measure to the big, bad STRESS RESPONSE. Getting ahead of stress with radical self-care is indeed an act of survival.

Let's take a breath and take a moment to visualize. 

Imagine. You're taking immaculate care of yourself: nourishing your body with nutrients from fruits and vegetables, engaging in purposeful and joyful physical activity and tending to your soul with wellness and stress-relief techniques. 

How good would you feel in the world? 

How would that impact your relationships, your career, your positivity, self-confidence and physical body? 

So good, right!?!

Self-Care is really important!

But it can seem so hard. It's so hard to get used to the idea! But it's tempting .... right?

Could you see yourself doing it? I can.

Now don't fret! It's a skill you build over-time, like anything. It's like learning a new language, playing a new instrument or figuring out how to rock your new job. 

Once you practice a few of these self-care strategies, it becomes routine and can actually *save you time* in the long-run, by providing you with renewed energy, positivity and long-term health and wellness. 

Screen Shot 2017-03-20 at 3.23.38 PM.jpg

How does lack of self-care impact food choices?

Imagine times when you are:

  • hungry
  • angry
  • lonely
  • tired
  • sad
  • stressed

Boom = you're probably going to have intense food cravings for highly caloric foods. This totally happens to all of us! This is science! And boy, it was DEFINITELY happening to me just before my Florida vacation. I was over-booked and felt my self-care slipping. Check that out on Instagram here

But let's say your feeding yourself with self-care first. The best version of self-care can you can afford from a financial or time perspective (remember, some days are better than others and every day is an experiment). 

When you're filling your cup with self-care, you're much less likely to crave the "bad foods" as comfort. Instead, you're tackling the root of the issue, rather than the symptom. 

A zen home has helped with self-care and stress-reduction. Yes, that's our spring reindeer.&nbsp;

A zen home has helped with self-care and stress-reduction. Yes, that's our spring reindeer. 

Self-care is a great way to control cravings without using willpower! 

Self-care is an umbrella for all good things you're doing for yourself. It in turn impacts your relationships, career, spirituality, finances, exercise habits, nutrition, creativity, learning ability and long-term health. 

>>> Click here to download the free list of my "Top 29 Self-Care Strategies", my gift to you! <<<<

Fill your own cup first, right?

This goes wayyy beyond nutrition - to relationships, deep-held beliefs, personality types, achievement mentalities. I could go on and on.

So much of the work I do with my private clients is supporting them to stand up for themselves and their self-care. It's a hard adjustment to make, but I promise you, it's worth it. It's an investment that pays back and I KNOW investments! (Yee haw prior career in Finance). 

You can find more self-care inspiration and tips on my Instagram and Blog. I'm currently writing a book on Self-Care .... so stay tuned for more information in this space. It's a H-U-G-E passion of mine. 

Peace, veggies and self-care success,


5 Treadmill WORKOUTS You Would ACTUALLY RUN in a Blizzard

A blizzard is on it's way for most of the Northeast and for most people that means, snow days (!), lots of hot chocolate, coasting by on the "working from home" bit and an excuse to drink alcohol on a "school night."

Workouts? No thanks!

I totally get it. The last thing you or I want to do is trek across town to your boutique fitness class.

But chances are, you have a treadmill somewhere nearby, right? That kinda meh one in your building's basement gym? That gym membership?

I've already canceled my Class Pass workout for Tuesday and I'm gearing up for one of these treadmill workouts below. 

Here are five easy-to-remember treadmill workouts that you'll actually want to do.

My clients love them! They're simple and chances are you'll even want to do one in a blizzard.

Tag your treadmill workout #FitVista and @michellefitvista to cheer on your fellow blizzard runners!

PS: Not in the mood to run today? No sweat. No guilt. Try stretching. Try at home yoga. Bookmark this page for another time - I promise you you'll want to revisit these runs and incorporate them in to your workout or biz travel routine.



My Five Favorite Treadmill Runs ... for Fat-loss, Speed AND Endurance.

Make sure to warm-up for all runs with a five minute jog or walk and a light stretch. Cool-down with a walk and stretching sesh too.

THEN make yourself a healthified hot chocolate.

Treadmill Workout #1 : 10x30 Second Interval Sprints

Run: 10 thirty-second sprints, with a 1 minute walking / jog recovery between each sprint. Pick a sprint MPH speed and a recovery MPH speed.  

Purpose: High intensity intervals spike your metabolism and increase your after-burn. These sprints also train your cardiovascular system to respond to quick spikes in your heart rate. And the final win? Sprints also increase your muscular strength, making you a faster runner. Win. Win. Win.


Treadmill Workout #2 : 3x1 Miles

Run: 3x1 Miles, at an increasing pace for each mile. Run one mile at a slower speed (i.e. 6mph), then walk and rest for 2 or 3 minutes. Then run another mile, at slightly faster speed (i.e. 6.5mph), then rest another 2 or 3 minutes. Finally, run your fastest mile at 7mph speed. 

Purpose: Purposeful faster running makes you a faster runner. This is absolutely great for endurance, but it also is great for increasing metabolic demand ("calories!"), since you're running faster than you would for a steady-state 30 minute jog. 


Treadmill Workout #3 : TIMED MILE

Run: Time yourself for a 1 MILE run. Yup, just like high school gym class!

Purpose: Running a timed mile once every week is a great way to track progress, create structure in your training program and keep your motivation high. It also makes you a faster runner, increases your metabolism and those happy endorphins. 

Treadmill Workout #4 : 1 Mile, Uphill Walk, 3 Sprints

Run: Part One: Run one mile at a fast clip. Speedy.  Think 80% of a race pace. Take a walking break for 2 minutes. Part Two: For 10 minutes, walk uphill at 10% incline at speed 3.0mph. Bring your treadmill back to 0% incline and take a walking break for 2 minutes. Part Three: three 30 second sprints, with one minute rest break between each sprint.

Purpose: Variety and metabolic burn baby!

Treadmill Workout #5: Walk Uphill for 30 Minutes

Run: Increase incline to 10% and the speed to 3mph or 3.5mph. Walk like this for 30 minutes.

Purpose: No. Running. Sweating. Guaranteed. 


Tag your treadmill workout #FitVista and @michellefitvista and we'll all sweat together today. (And then eat chocolate). 





Ask an Olympian! Maria Ramberger on Nutrition and Training

Hi FitVista Crew,

The Olympics are my favorite, FAVORITE event every 4 / 2.5 / 1.5 years. Give me all the personal moments stories, all the competition, video montages and inspiring music. Even the NBC Theme song speaks straight to my heart. 

So I'm going to brag and boast just a wee bit that I'm friends with a real Olympian! 

Maria Ramberger stayed at my childhood home way back in September 2003 as part of an exchange trip from Austria with my high school in Rye, New York. We adored her!

Since then, our families have visited each other and I was so warmly welcomed in to her home near Vienna, Austria. 

When she mentioned she'd be in the States a few months ago and was swinging by New York for three nights, I was ecstatic! She stayed at our apartment and we had a fun trip: cooking dinners, going to Whole Foods, her kicking EVERYONE's BUTT at a local bootcamp class in my neighborhood and renting Citi-bikes, biking all around the tip of Manhattan (Instagram photo here!). 

She oh-so-kindly agreed to partake in an interview for my blog and I'm so excited to share it with you!

But first, a confession. I am posting this SO LATE. Maria and I conducted the interview in late September and I got SO behind on my blog posts, other projects and new clients. An official S-O-R-R-Y for sitting on this stellar information for so long. I'm doing a give-away to make up for it -- gifting a free Fitvista tee-shirt via my Instagram here. Check out the page for details on how to win over the next week.  

Without further ado, let me introduce you to Maria! 



Maria was born in Vienna, Austria and is currently living in Klosterneuburg, Austria. She's a (soon to be graduated) Phd Student in Legal Studies at the University of Vienna and recently married to Jonathan Cheever, on US Snowboard Team. Congrats! 

Her accomplishments are MANY in the snowboarding world, so I'll list a few: 

- 2 time Olympian (Sochi 2014 / Vancouver 2010)

- 4 X-Games Starts (4th Place 2010)

- Member of the Austrian World Cup Team from 2010 to 2016

- Ranked Top 10 in the World Season 2015/16

- Multiple EuropaCup and NorAmCup Wins

So yes ...  this lady knows what she's talking about! 


Michelle: Let's start at the beginning : Breakfast! You crafted some gorgeous and inspiring breakfasts when you visited. What's your go-to breakfast and how does it make you feel?

Maria: I love breakfast. It definitely is my favorite meal of the day. If I'm at a restaurant, I'll usually have a fruit bowl, Eggs Benedict and some extra toast with jam.

My daily go-to is super simple though and doesn't require much preparation or thinking at all. Which both is important when you're not even awake yet!  So here is what I do: I grab a coffee mug. Same mug every day - so that I don't have to think about how much goes into it. Again no thinking before breakfast.

First I add a few spoonfuls of seeds. Usually I have flax and chia seeds at home but Michelle here actually had me try hemp seeds, which are delicious as well.

I pour oatmeal on top of the seeds until the mug is about two thirds full. Afterwards I stir in as much boiling water as the mug can hold and then cover the everything and let it steep for about 10 to 15 minutes. If I know I'm in a hurry the next day I add the water the night before and let everything soak over night. It does taste better warm though.

While I am waiting I chop up a bunch of different fruit and throw them into a big bowl. The mix usually varies with the seasons but lately I LOVE a grapefruit-berries-mango-peach mix best.

I add about two spoons of low fat plain yoghurt and a handful of walnuts to the fruits, mix everything and then scoop the oatmeal up top.

And then - don't judge me on this until you've tried it - I drizzle a spoonful of olive oil over the whole thing. I originally started doing this because I heard that some vitamins are fat soluble. Since there basically is no fat in this meal I concluded I had to add some. I tried olive oil because there was nothing else in the house. And to my surprise I really liked it.  In the mean time I've tried different variations - like flax seed oil which it is supposed to be super healthy - but I have to day I like olive oil the best. Maybe I am just weird. Coconut oil tastes really nice as well and might be less of an acquired taste. 

How does it make me feel - hmmm. Full. In my experience that's the breakfast that'll keep me full for the longest time compared with other options. Relaxed too.

Sometimes too much so since breakfast can stretch into a hour long activity for me. I'll have one or two big cups of green tea with my oatmeal, read the newspaper or stream one of my fav TV-shows. Yup, as I said, I love breakfast. 


Michelle: You've traveled a ton over the course of your career, never staying in one place longer than three months. What are some quick tips to stay healthy while on the go? How do you have to go out of your way to stand up for yourself and get what you need for your training and nutrition? 

Maria: People always complain that it is tough to stay healthy when on the road. I like to call them out on their b***t.

There are things called supermarkets all over the world. Walk in. Grab a few apples and a few walnuts or almonds and boom: backpack friendly non-squishy snacks are covered.

Also any hotel buffet has healthy options. There almost always is a fruit or salad bar and there almost always is some grilled meat or fish option. The only place in the word that I've traveled to and felt like I needed to go out of my way a bit was Spain and Italy because their breakfast options are very limited - as in limited to coffee and croissants.

But after having experienced this, the next time I'd just bring my own oatmeal mix and some fruit, politely ask for a bowl and hot water. So far no one has ever kicked me out of a hotel because of this.

Breakfast in Korea is fun as well - it's basically a dinner buffet but with eggs. So I'd have a salad with scrambled eggs, rice and soy sauce. Definitely healthy enough and I kinda liked it to be honest. 


Michelle: When we think of Vienna, Austria, we think gorgeous buildings ... coffee shops and chocolate cake! How do you incorporate caffeine and sweets in to your diet and how do you stay balanced? 

Maria: Yes, you are absolutely right to think of nice coffee shops and delicious pastries. Vienna is amazing. To  my dentist's horror, I definitely have a sweet tooth. It starts with the breakfast I've described above and ends with afternoon coffee and cake.

Although concerning breakfast: I am prepared to deny that fruit contains sugar with the same fervor some republicans deny climate change. Ha! 

And also if you truly believe something is good for you, it probably is. The latter I'm only semi-sarcastic about. There is some enlightening research about placebo effects out there - but I am getting off topic . . . . 

I try to stay balanced by only have a small piece of cake at a time. Because if we are truly honest with ourselves, the first bite usually is the best anyways. 

Michelle: Let's talk veggies. Do you juice, blend or eat them straight-up? 

Maria: I'll just eat them straight up. Even though there are delicious green smoothie options I prefer to chew my food. 

If raw is not an option I'll throw it in a non-sticky pan, add a few spoonfuls of water, cover and steam it.

Another great option is just wrapping your whole vegetable in tin foil and throwing it in the oven until it's tender. Yes, I'm a lazy cook... but seriously vegetables taste great even - or especially - if they are only flavored with a bit of salt, soy sauce and/or oil. 

In my experience you can eat almost any vegetable raw. Last week I was driving home from the grocery store. As usual I was hungry and reached into the bag closest to me to grab something. This time though the something that I could reach without causing a car accident was: beets plus beet greens. Biting into a raw beet like an apple seemed the more extreme option so I plucked one of the beet greens: Yes that red/green stuff that grows out of beets and that most people don't even use. I figured why not and just chewed on a few leaves. They actually are really good. Not too different from other lettuce options . . .  


Michelle: Snowboard cross takes a ton of strength and time spent lifting weights in the gym before the season begins. What do you think / recommend to women about lifting heavy to get results they want? 


Maria: That's a difficult question because everyone is different and so everyone needs a different approach. But what I would recommend everyone to do at least once is to find out much you can really push your limit.

[Obviously don't do any of what I am about to say if you are in a gym for the first time and have no experience in how to do exercises safely!}

But if you know what you are doing, or if you have professional supervision here is what you should do: Just train like you normally would for the first two sets of each exercise. Then for the third set pick the same weight but keep going after what you thought was your last rep. I mean it.

Keep going until you cannot move that weight not matter how much you try. You will be blown away by how much further away than you thought your actual 'rep to failure' is.

Even professional athletes need that reminder from time to time. Thinking you can't go further/heavier and actually not being able to are two very different things.

Besides it being absolutely inspiring to realize how strong you really are.

Why does this experiment help you getting the results you want? In order to get optimal results from lifting heavy you need to lift to or at least very close to failure. Thus you also need to know where that point is and how to get to it. 


I'm all about lifting those heavy weights! Thank you Maria. I hope you enjoyed, please share with your friends and join us at @michelleFitvista for our tee Shirt Giveaway and FIND MARIA AT @MariaRamberger


Why you should take a FAKE Sick Day

I was so flattered when a former client (and fellow Middlebury graduate!) structured her latest blog post around one of our health coaching conversations from last year. She NAILED my philosophy on "fake sick days," preventative healthcare and listening to cues from your body on when you need to rest. 

So read below and head to her website at Compass Maven for the full post! 

In the words of Carolyn ..... 

About a year ago I was working with my friend and health coach, Michelle Cady of FitVista, on a sort of health reboot. I was super overextended from working full time, going to coaching school at night, working on business ideas, being in a relationship, and generally trying to keep up with friends and maintain a social life.

In the midst of all of that, I was trying to fit in exercise and eating healthy. I was on a vary obvious road to burnout (even if I couldn’t see it at the time).

At one point during our conversations, Michelle said, “You know, Carolyn, you should really take a sick day. Like a fake sick day, when you’re not actually sick.” 

Michelle’s idea behind this was that often our bodies come crashing down when we’ve overextended ourselves and are exhausted. As a result, we get sick and all we can do is watch Netflix and sleep - and aren’t able to take time to do the things we really want to do outside of our day jobs.

Michelle said she used to go through cycles of burnout when she worked in finance. Every 5 weeks or so, she’d have to completely block out her calendar for a weekend and do nothing so she could rest and regroup.

She pointed out that she saw some of the same burnout warning signs in me: I was working really hard, was tired all the time, and I had all of these ideas for my business that I couldn’t really focus on because I was so exhausted. 

So she wanted me to take a sick day when I was feeling good and could make time for some of the things I couldn’t seem to get to in my busy life.

Read the full post HERE at Compass Maven.



PS: Check out Carolyn's Instagram @CompassMaven for straight shooting advice on how to navigate your life and career in your 20's. 

Friday Favorites!

Hiya FitVista Friends!

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile, and then Friday hits and BOOM suddenly it's 5pm and I'm ready to call it a week. Time flies when you're trying to do ALL THE THINGS and wrap up everything on Fridays right?!?

I used to steamroll through the last day of the work week, try to get a million and a half aspirational things done and crash in to the weekends (and unwind and self-medicate with wine).

Nowadays, I focus on quiet admin tasks the last half of Friday afternoon, respond to all client emails before the weekend and then push ALL longer-term projects to the following week. It's working! #LessonsFromAdrenalFatigue

Anywho, my dear friend Teddi from has been writing these Friday Favorites for years now and I love them. While I was on a long run a couple weeks back, I crafted my own.

Thanks for reading what I've been loving lately! 



Alex's parents got me a generous Lululemon Gift Card for Christmas and these Wunder Under Crops in Heathered Black and the Align Crop in Black both feel like second skin. The latter is made from their new Nulu Fabric that makes you feel "Naked" (in the best way possible). Let the record show, I am NOT a fan of fancy, shiny, sweat-wicking running tights. They feel really weird against my skin, I get strange sweats in them and I don't find them flattering. I'm really picky about my workout bottoms. I love cropped tights that feel and look more like cotton. Who's with me? 

These are actually NOT the Lululemon tights (because they're clearly in the laundry), but instead a very similar pair I picked up at Nordstrom Rack. All about that GREY everything.&nbsp;

These are actually NOT the Lululemon tights (because they're clearly in the laundry), but instead a very similar pair I picked up at Nordstrom Rack. All about that GREY everything. 


GREENS. My brother got Alex and I a plant subscription service for Christmas! For three months in a row, we're getting a plant delivered from ProPlants to "oxygenate" our space. My brother knows me so well! What a great gift, right? Use this code for $10 off or this code for 20% off. 

I need to water it ... but that's our first plant from monthly plant service. Cool container, right?

I need to water it ... but that's our first plant from monthly plant service. Cool container, right?


In early January, the amazing bone broth company Broth Masters sent me a super cool (get it?) frozen package with eight packets of their DELICIOUS bone broth to sample. Here's a photo on my Instagram where I list all the benefits of bone broth. I'm proud to say I'm now an ambassador for the company! Check out their site here - it's so easy to order bone broth to ship to you home, heal your gut and build up your immunity.  


You guuuuuuys! I'm ordering new FitVista tees, more of the Black V-Neck Bella & Canvas edition. So super soft. Big hit.

I've been digging this healthy chia jam all week. Check out my Instagram for the recipe.&nbsp;

I've been digging this healthy chia jam all week. Check out my Instagram for the recipe. 


DORK ALERT: Who's seen Becoming Warren Buffett on HBO? It's so good. I even made Alex sign up for HBO Now (again) so we could watch it. The hedge fund/mutual fund I used to work at followed his style of investing, but even if you don't have a finance background, this was a really fun documentary!  I'm also reading his biography now, The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life. I am so in to memoirs / biographies of successful entrepreneurs these days. 


My Kindle broke. Wah, wah. I threw it in my bag and my favorite gel pen must have punctured the screen. I literally watched three, mayyyybe five, shopping comparison videos on the black kindle versus the new white kindleAfter much hemming and hawing, I ordered the white one. Because it will look better in Instagram photos. YES, TRUTH. I am the worst. 


Speaking of Instagram, I've been digging this white marble board from Sur La Table for food photography. (Photo above of jam).


Kind of random photo but I saw this rose along the boardwalk in LIC the day after Valentines Day, perched along the pier. It's GREY in NYC, but it made me happy. Love Love.&nbsp;

Kind of random photo but I saw this rose along the boardwalk in LIC the day after Valentines Day, perched along the pier. It's GREY in NYC, but it made me happy. Love Love. 

And speaking of filming and photography = the OSCAR GOES TO LA LA LAND! I never see movies twice, but La La Land made me laugh, made my cry (yes, tears were streaming down my face at the end) and it made me want to dance. Please let it win the Oscar and please let Ryan Gosling don another white tux. 

Counting down the days 'til visiting my parents in FLORIDA for the long weekend - we leave the 22nd! Sunshine, long beach walks and jumping in the pool. Exactly what my body needs right now. I'm definitely getting in a bit of a seasonal (SAD) funk. This always happens this time of year ....

Thanks for listening to my rambles - happy Friday ya'll! 

Be well. Do you. Find your own fun. Be a little bit weird. 

That's all I've got - peace, hugs and veggies!



Micro Blog: 7 Top Triggers for Over-Eating + Over-Drinking

Hiya FitVista friends, 

I'm starting a little micro-blog series! I've compiled tons and tons of tips, tricks and strategies I use with my private health coaching clients and I just can't help sharing. 

So, what to expect? I KNOW, I KNOW, my prior posts have been pretty lengthy at times . . . So going forward, you'll see me popping in here with "micro" blogs. Just another way to get you content, without having to read through a super long blog post. They'll be longer than an Instagram post, shorter than a blog. 

I'll also be sharing excerpts of my upcoming book I'm writing, [SECRET TITILE: 100 Ways to Optimize Your Nutrition, Fitness and Wellness While Living in an Urban Environment.]


Let's get started!

We're going in to the weekend. Happy Friday y'all! For most of my clients and peers, that means a momentary break from the grind. However, what does come in to focus is the work hard / PLAY HARD lifestyle we learn in college or as a busy professional in the big cities. 

My clients are driven, they work hard and they've historically - well - they've historically also played really hard to take the edge of an intense work week, unwind and "relax."

Do you feel like sometimes you over-eat or over-drink on a Friday night? Or when you're stressed? Tired? Overwhelmed?

Then this one's for you. 

Here are the top 7 triggers for over-eating or over-drinking (or simply choosing foods you know are not in line with your health goals, think carb-heavy, fatty or sugary):

Top 7 Triggers:

  1. Hungry
  2. Angry
  3. Lonely
  4. Tired
  5. Sad
  6. Stressed
  7. Overwhelmed

Take a moment and see what's going on for you at this moment. 

It's OK. We've all been there in some capacity. 

When I was in finance, I'd get so riled up throughout the course of the week (stressed, overwhelmed, super tired) that unless I'd fall in to bed on Friday night, I'd definitely have a couple too many glasses of wine or crispy, fried, everyyyyyything appetizers out to happy hour with my colleagues or on a date. It was a way to take the edge off. Needless to say, I didn't wake up Saturday morning feeling like my healthy-self.

You might find that when you've rushed from meeting to meeting all day, grazing on snacks, and it's suddenly 3pm you want ALL THE FOOD and it doesn't matter what it is. Bring on the carbs, sugar and fat! (Yes, these cravings are #Science). 

Or you come home on a Monday night solo and you feel really lonely, so you nosh on too many pretzels or snacky foods. 


The key here is to address the root cause, the feeling.

And to get ahead of it by practicing radical self-care. I want to teach you to watch out and get ahead of these triggers. 

For example, bringing in healthy snacks to your office so you don't get hangry. Taking extra naps on the weekends so you can build back up your sleep bank and not be quite so tired. Scheduling out a longer deadline for that project so you don't get overwhelmed rushing to finish it. Taking an epsom salt bath or sitting in the steam room to naturally lower your stress levels. 

Getting head of triggers for fatty, salty, sugary foods and alcohol is all about what happens WAY BEFORE the trigger. What's happening earlier in the day, earlier in the week. These cravings build and then BOOM. They seem uncontrollable. 

THIS ALL TAKES TIME to build this awareness. I want you to consider chipping away at your ingrained habits month over month. The first step in anything is always awareness. 

I hope this serves you. 

Cut and copy the 7 triggers and keep 'em handy. Turn them when you feel things spiraling a bit. They help.

XOXO, peace, veggies and Friday vibes,


PS: In the mood for more? Buy my digital coaching bundle for just $25 and get ten times the amount of content and advice, all in one go. It's like a mini-session private with me, for just a fraction of the cost and guaranteed to keep moving your health journey forward, at lightening speed. 

HEALTH AND WEALTH: Let's talk Finance with Lauren Woodcock

I'm thrilled to share with you a super smarty-pants guest post by my friend Lauren Woodcock. She's been part of our FitVista Tribe since Day One and a huge supporter of the blog!  So, when she asked about pairing up for an article on health AND WEALTH, of course my answer was YES! 

As many of you know, I spent 8 years working in Finance (in Institutional Sales and Consultant + Investor Relations at a well-known Asset Management Company in NYC). I'm a huge supporter of maxing out your 401k, investing in smart and safe mutual funds, and building up your savings EARLY.

Let compounding work its magic. My sizable pile of savings and retirement accounts made my career shift to health coaching, personal training and wellness possible. 

FYI this post is NOT sponsored, just something I felt compelled to share with you all. 

So without further ado, here's my quick intro to Lauren and then read on for her saavy tips, that WON'T stress you out! And well, if they do. That's OK. Take a deep breath. Rip off the band-aid. I'm so glad you've got this on your radar. 

PS: Want more inspiration, health + fitness tips, and pretty pictures of mountains and veggies? Seek more and let's make sure we're Instagram connected here at @michellefitvista

xo, Michelle

Meet Lauren!

Lauren Woodcock is a Financial Consultant with Sequoia Financial Group. As an avid distance runner, hiker, skier and just all around activity-loving person, Lauren's goal is to bring personal finance to the wellness conversation.

Lauren graduated in 2011 from Dickinson College. Initially motivated to do anything but join the family business of financial planning, Lauren moved to New York City to pursue her MA in Art Business at Sotheby's Institute of Art. Despite working as a financial planning intern throughout her childhood and years in graduate school, it wasn't until Lauren left school that she realized that her lifetime education in retirement planning was the most valuable thing that she could offer people. 

Today, Lauren works on a team of eight financial professionals, focused on HOLISTIC retirement planning. Based in Saratoga Springs, Lauren gets her dose of nature on the reg, and then travels down to the city often to meet with clients.


Look at Lauren finding her FitVistas.

Look at Lauren finding her FitVistas.



BY LAUREN WOODCOCK, Financial Consultant/Sequoia Financial Group


As a lifelong athlete, good habits around practice, training and nutrition have always been an obvious path to success.

Even when it wasn’t convenient, we showed up; running in the pouring rain or sweltering heat. Beyond the lesson in commitment, the benefits of an active lifestyle on our overall wellness are impossible to ignore, especially today.

However, the "real world" hands us responsibility, stress and BILLS. Countless challenges and deterrents are thrown at us daily from different angles, overwhelming us in a way that can make maintaining a healthy lifestyle feel impossible.

It is my goal for finances to not be one of the many hindrances to our mental and physical well-being. 

Despite growing up in the financial planning business, it wasn’t until a few years ago that I saw the true effects, both positive and negative, of finances on one’s overall wellness. We may not like to admit it, but money has the ability to enhance or wreak havoc on our health and relationships. It’s ALL connected.

Luckily, just like there are ways to improve our physical health through nutrition and exercise, developing the right habits around money management can help strengthen our body and mind.

The proactive steps that we've taken in our nutrition and fitness routines are the same ones that we need to apply to our finances: education, discipline, consistency and a little sacrifice along the way. 

A breathing picture. Finances can seem scary, I know. But knowing what's going on is incredibly powerful.

A breathing picture. Finances can seem scary, I know. But knowing what's going on is incredibly powerful.



Assess where you are: 

Just like the nutrition and exercise log that your trainer has you fill out, you need to see where you are today in order to make improvements.

Net Income (after taxes/business expenses)

Expenses (ALL of them!)

Assets (401k, brokerage, bank accounts, etc.) 

Debts (school loans, credit cards, car, mortgage)

Insurances (disability, life)

Legal Documents (will, healthcare proxy, etc.)

Whether it’s a handwritten notebook, your computer or personal finance software, get all of this information organized and in one place.


>>>>  INSERT, DEEP BREATH RIGHT HERE <<<< (It's Michelle here and this is definitely something I'm still working on personally!)

Creating your own trail, your own story. Even if it feels hard. (And cold).&nbsp;

Creating your own trail, your own story. Even if it feels hard. (And cold). 


Define a goal(s) and develop a plan that you can stick to:

Look at where you are and think about where you want to be. Are you right on track? Way behind?

Either way, define a few items that you think can be improved. These goals can be long-term: “save enough to put 50% down on a new house by 2025” or short-term (and perhaps less exciting): “increase my annual 401(k) contributions to 12% of my salary by June”.

It’s also okay to dream. If you plan for it, you’re that much more likely to achieve it. Just like with your fitness/wellness goals, it’s key to visualize where you want to be. 

Tackle one thing at a time. Keep it simple. Prioritize.

If you have made an inventory of your financial situation and need help to determine these priorities, then don’t be afraid to seek professional advice. If you’re confident with where you are, focus on building a monthly savings plan. For example, after the necessary month bills, you still have $1,700 left:

401(k): $1,000/M

IRA: $100/M

Brokerage: $300/M

Savings (Emergency Fund): $200/M

Vacation Fund: $100

Because the FitVista views are worth it right? Jump shot!

Because the FitVista views are worth it right? Jump shot!


Be consistent

Systematic savings (or debt repayment) is a beautiful thing.

Just like eating healthy once every few weeks won’t yield any positive results long-term, saving is not going to provide any benefits for you unless you do it consistently.

Some months it may be easy, and some months it may require extra effort and discipline. Think about the mornings that you’ve dragged yourself out of bed to get your workout done and apply this same discipline to your personal finances. It’s definitely not always fun, but it pays off in the end.

Once you’ve made your plan, set everything up to come out of your paycheck or checking/savings account automatically. That way, you won’t be tempted to spend it otherwise. Pay yourself first!

Control what you can control

Life is full of variables and surprises (good and bad). We don’t know when we’re going to get a promotion, lose our job or what the stock market is going to do. If we try to plan around these events rather than focus on our own actions, we’ll go insane.

Emergency funds, insurance and planning help us manage these other variables. Furthermore, these uncontrollable events aren’t going to be what defines retirement or our long-term financial health; it’s our daily habits and actions that really make a difference.  

Happy girl in upstate NY - nature on the reg!

Happy girl in upstate NY - nature on the reg!


Seek help and take advantage of resources

Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to personal finance. Read, get educated and seek advice where needed.

Start with your work benefits: do you have long-term disability insurance? Enough life insurance to replace your income? Do you have access to benefits that you don’t know about? Call your benefits departments or sit down with a representative from HR to review.

Focus on yourself and your family

Social media is a wonderful source of inspiration (and distraction). Unfortunately, I have seen it throw people off track when it comes to saving.

Focus on yourself. If your goal is to save 20% of your income annually, then don’t let someone posting a photo of a designer bag or lavish vacation throw you off. The reality is that we know nothing behind most of what we see online. It is perfectly okay (and healthy) to want or indulge in these things. However, plan for them. If it takes you a few extra months to get there, that’s okay. 

Define your goals, execute a plan and stick to it.

Just like training and nutrition, these are lifestyle plans that are not about instant gratification.

The satisfaction of being financially secure will far outdo any fleeting moments of happiness brought by consistent overspending. 

Know your partner

If you’re in a long-term relationship, make sure to have “the talk” as soon as possible. Your partner can be your biggest cheerleader (or deterrent) when it comes to maintaining financial security. It’s not about what they make, it’s about their feelings and philosophy towards money and saving. Make sure that you’re on the same page!  

Long story short, financial security and education provide irreplaceable peace of mind and freedom.  Less time spent worrying about money means more time doing the things that you love!!




Curious to know more? Give Lauren a ring at her office 518-373-7363 or email She promised to give some time and insight to all interested FitVista Readers - thank you Lauren! 

FREE GIFT: Do you feel a bit stressed after reading this? That's OK. That's normal. A plan helps. Why don't you go for a walk and calm down? Here's my free gift to you, a guide to why long walks are the best and my 5 Favorite Podcasts. Download it for FREE here

PS: Want more inspiration, health + fitness tips, and pretty pictures of mountains and veggies? Seek more and let's make sure we're Instagram connected here at @michellefitvista

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FitVista Annual Report: 2016

When I used to work in Finance, my Asset Management Firm would release our Annual Report for our mutual funds for the fiscal year.

After six years of working at the Firm, and 8 years in the Financial field, this must have sunk in to my sub-conscious, because for the past few weeks I've been mentally writing up my own Annual Report for FitVista, for the calendar year 2016. 

Some habits never die! 

I promise you, this one will NOT be 140 pages long and filled to the brim with financial statements. 

Many of you have been asking me gently ... kindly ... and ever-so-curiously ... so what is it that you actually do?

I'd love to share and I'll keep it short!  

My business has evolved a lot since I left Finance in 2014, became a personal trainer, graduated from nutrition school and started FitVista. 

I'm updating you on:

  1. The Balance Sheet: How I'm Spending My Work Hours Now
  2. The Cash Flow Statement: How Things Have Evolved
  3. The Income Statement: Finances and the Bottom Line and,
  4. Outlook for 2017: What You Can Look Forward To!
  5. Flashback: Some 2016 Press Highlights
Me in my kitchen I love!

Me in my kitchen I love!


1) The Balance Sheet: How I'm Spending My Work Hours Now

My main role with FitVista today is as a private Nutrition Health Coach. This occupies the majority of my time, effort and client-load. This is my #1 Focus.

Nutrition Health Coach: I coach high-achieving individuals who want to optimize their nutrition and fitness, reduce stress, increase happiness and their overall level of satisfaction in their lives. I tend to attract clients who value education and are fed-up with coming up against the same roadblocks time and time again. I'm the detective and we pair together over my six month program to tweak their lifestyles, make smart changes to their diet and get the most out of efficient workouts.  I only accept 8-10 clients at a time, for a personalized six month program. This equals 15-20 clients a year and allows me to really get to know my clients, provide unlimited support, accountability and education. 

I work with all my clients remotely. We meet every two weeks for a 45 minute session via video call or phone call. Here are a ton of recent success stories! My clients are the best! I cherish the work we do together - it's truly life-changing.

Running Coach: I see two running clients a week and I love it. It's so much fun to get paid to run, talk with these dear folks and train outside! 

Blogging: I'm half trying! Serious bloggers stick to a blogging calendar, have paid advertising, a mailing list, the works. I love writing, but I'm not mentally ready to commit to the bi-weekly posts. Be assured that when I do write and post, it's something I'm very excited about sharing and I love hearing your kind feedback! 

Instagram: ... does Instagram count as a job? Because I'm addicted. Check out inspiration, quick healthy habits education and pictures of beautiful views here at @michellefitvista.

In 2016, I modified my schedule to allow time and energy for fun partnerships and collaborations.

Group Programs via SimplyFit: In March 2016, I paired with the famous food blogger and recipe creator, Alyssa Rimmer from SimplyQuinoa, to develop a comprehensive 28-Day Wellness Program. Our members receive lifetime access to a 28-Day Plant-Powered Meal Plan, Strength Training Video Workouts lead by yours truly, a PDF Guide on Healthy Habits and weekly Group Coaching Videos. We're running our next 28-Day Wellness Program in April 2017.

Foam rolling and teaching my clients how to optimize their workout schedule.

Foam rolling and teaching my clients how to optimize their workout schedule.

2) The Cash Flow Statement: How Things Have Evolved

Personal Training: I scaled back on my personal training significantly after I left Equinox in March of 2016. I found that jumping on the subway and meeting clients around the city was tiring for me personally and my introverted self need more time at home and a more consistent routine and hours. I now see one rockstar client 3-4 times a week on the Upper East Side or via video for virtual training sessions.

If you're looking to train privately in NYC, I know a ton of superstar trainers in various areas around the city and I'd love to connect the dots for you. 

I love talking fitness (!) and find that most of my expertise is now available to my nutrition health coaching clients: providing them with workout plans, knowledge on exercise science and tailoring their movement to their specific goals. 

Precision Running Treadmill Coach: At the beginning of 2016, I was teaching four treadmill running classes a week: two at Bryant Park Equinox and two at Flatiron Equinox. My role was to teach a pre-prepared high intensity interval running training class, that lasted for 50 minutes each. I'd walk in front of the treadmills, with a microphone hooked up and stopwatch time the class on various intervals and coach them through the endurance, sprinting and hill runs. I love this approach and smart format (and am quite skilled at inspiring my clients to run hard on a treadmill!).

However, due to the energy demands of teaching a class of 15-20 individuals, cost analysis and making room for other projects, I dropped two classes in June and officially retired as a Precision Running Coach on November 28, 2016. I will miss you all!

FYI, Treadmill Interval Training = SUPER AWESOME WORKOUT! I recommend people fit it in 1-2 times a week. 

3) The Income Statement: Finances and Bottom Line

How many of you scrolled down to this segment first?! You snoopy finance nerds, you! 

I'm happy to say I'm making just about as much money - maybe a bit more - in my business as I did during my first year as a financial analyst in New York City in 2008. 

My view of success today comes in non-monetary terms: people helped, client success, personal time and business flexibility.

It's very important for me to be my own boss. If I want to workout at 11am, I usually can. If I want to take a nap instead of write a blog post one day, I can.

(But typically I have to remind myself to take breaks - I'm still working on my over-achiever attitude!)

I love my job. I love my clients.

My health comes first. To me, that's worth it's weight in gold.  

I work hard. I work smart. I'm still building.

Big things are on the horizon as I continue to expand my client-base with high-end and efficient coaching programs and write my book.

4) Outlook for 2017: What you should look forward to!

I'm feeling very confident from a business and personal standpoint heading in to 2017.

My clients are spreading the word. I now work on a referral-only basis. What that means, is that I'm not courting strangers to work with me .... or trying to "sell" you!

My current or former clients have the capacity to gift a free 30 minute session to their friends, colleagues or family members that are interested in working with me directly via my portal.  I love this network, because I get to meet folks who have already heard great things about my program AND are feeling curious and motivated themselves. It's win-win! I also take select inquiries from old friends and fellow Middlebury College graduates (Email = 

I work with driven, high-achieving individuals on optimizing wellness, with a focus on nutrition, gut health, fitness, and stress management. Is this you? That said, I only take on about 1-3 clients a month, and 8-10 clients max at a time, so consider yourself lucky if the timing works! I typically recommend people get on my radar early. 

I'm writing a book! 

The title is still somewhat of a secret. But I'll share the sub-title!

 "100 Ways to Optimize Your Nutrition, Fitness and Wellness While Living in an Urban Environment."

I'm thrilled to write and share this with the world and I know it's needed. The response thus far has been phenomenal and I am on track to publish by summer 2017. Want to stay in touch on my journey to publish? Check out my Instagram here and pretty please email me if you'd like an early edition of the manuscript in exchange for editing sections and providing feedback. 


Proud Middlebury graduate .... and this excited about 2017!

Proud Middlebury graduate .... and this excited about 2017!

On a Personal Note:

I liken my FitVista experience in 2016 as learning how to drive a new business with one foot on the gas and one foot on the break.

In July 2015, I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue and embarked on a 10 month holistic health journey to heal myself. I did it! I write more on that here [I had Adrenal Fatigue, Could You?].

In short, I've learned how to optimize my time, rest when needed and come back even stronger. My personal experience has also laid the groundwork for work I do with my clients, and group programs on stress and stress mitigation I will develop in future years. 

In all walks of life: whether you're a business owner, corporate warrior or mom of the year, learning to take care of your own health as your biggest asset is life-changing.

It's hard to juggle, it's hard to balance. I get it.

But it's possible. It means saying no a lot.

It could mean less growth. But it could also mean smarter growth.

I had to give up a lot this year (personal training, treadmill running coaching, thinking I'd write a blog post twice a week). But this intentional pruning also allowed me to tap in to my deeper intuition and business sense. Not only did these changes allow me to take greater care of my health, but they've been smart steps in the the direction of my business from a growth, passion and financial standpoint. 

I strive to be a role model to my clients: dealing with stress-relief in this high powered city. This is a theme I will continue to build upon. Stress holds us back from the living the life we want! 

Curious to know more ASAP? Check out my FitVista Digital Bundle here for just $25, and get a treasure trove of information with actionable tips. This is a set of documents I use with all my new private clients, including a Stress 101 Guide and my Nutrition Philosophy Guide.


Digital Downloads is another theme for 2017!

I'm all about working smart and sharing all the knowledge and game-changing strategies I use with my paying clients and compiling them in to guides like theseIt's a great way to get yourself started before you invest in private coaching.

Want to feel inspired?

Check out praise from some of my latest clients and the success they achieved in 2016. From losing 30 pounds .... to getting sustained energy as a high-stress, high-stakes political consultant ... to working out less and seeing MORE results .... to looking flipping gorgeous on her wedding day ... to being the skinniest they've been since high school ... to flooding their bodies with nutrients .... and one client feeling the best she's felt in 10 years.

These stories are all real from my dear clients and they make my heart burst with happiness. 

Cheers to a beautiful 2017 to you and yours!

Thank you for reading and thank you ever-so-deeply for your support!

Peace, hugs and veggies,


PS: Here are some Press HIGHLIGHTS + Blog highlights from 2016 in case you missed them! 

Elite Daily Posts: Don't Worry, You Didn't Gain 3 Pounds in One Weekend, You're Just Bloated // Why Feeling Hungry Could Really Mean You're Just Cold // 4 Ways to Stick to Your Healthy Routine While Traveling

My Fave Personal Interviews: Nativa World // Kayla in the City // LizBarnet.Com, "from Finance to FitVista"

Most Popular FitVista Blogs: Personalized Nutrition //  Self-Care Summer // Adrenal Fatigue Part 1 // Adrenal Fatigue Part 2


Boost your Immunity Naturally, by Emily Nachazel

Hiya FitVista Friends! 

Quick story. Over the weekend I did a full "Marie-Kondo" clean and purge of my closet, jewelry and lotions / potions / medicine cabinet. It felt SO GOOD. 

And you know what I realized? I don't own any medicine. NONE.

I have band-aids, a thermometer, and an empty canister of Advil, but that was it. And I came to the shocking realization that --- after everything I've learned the last few years about health, nutrition, natural remedies and the immune system that lies within our digestive tracts --- I don't believe in traditional over-the-counter drugs (DayQuil, NyQuil, Sudafed, Benedryl, Antibiotics etc) for a cold or sore-throat, allergies or the flu. They just cover up the symptoms. Your body has tremendous capacity to heal on it's own. If you give it the support it needs and let yourself rest a bit more, the body heals. Our bodies really just SO COOL. 

So I turned to my friend and fellow health coach, Emily Nachazel, who is an expert on all things gut and immunity-related for the best advice on how to naturally support your system and ward off catching the common cold. Now while my traditional medicine cabinet may be empty, my supplement drawer is huge! I'm ALL about appropriate supplementation (Vitamin D, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes, high quality Vitamin C, Magnesium etc.) and eating to support yourself naturally, so read on for tips that you can incorporate in to your life TODAY.  

PS: Like me, Emily also transitioned from Finance to Wellness, leaving her high-pressure and highly-sought after job as an Auditor at the Big Four Accounting Firm KPMG and attending Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She also hands-down has one of my favorite Instagram accounts, here at @EmilyNachazel


You all know that run-down feeling, that itch in your throat and that eventual cold or sore throat or deep fatigue - does it have to turn to full-blown being sick? Not necessarily! 

The following words are all by Emily, enjoy! 


Hello there!

In this three part series I'm going to be teaching you my top immunity tips and recipes so that you don't get sick this season. Because who has time for not feeling good, especially around the holidays? Not this girl ;)

Today we will dive into the specific foods you'll want to eat to naturally boost your immune system. This is by no means an exhaustive list, but these foods and spices will give you the most bang for your nutritional buck.  

Alright! Let's get down to business. 

Eating these foods will naturally boost your immune system:

  • Mushrooms - "Studies show that mushrooms increase the production and activity of white blood cells, making them more aggressive. This is a good thing when you have an infection," says Douglas Schar, DipPhyt, MCPP, MNIMH, director of the Institute of Herbal Medicine. Best picks for immunity are the shiitake, maitake, and reishi varieties.
  • Onions - Onions contain a high concentration of selenium which helps stimulate immune function.
  • Lemons - Oranges are best known for containing vitamin C, but did you know lemons do too? Plus, lemon juice is detoxifying and helps your body flush out any yucky germs or toxins. 
  • Bone broth - The collagen that breaks down from the connective tissue of bones simmered to make broth helps heal the lining of the gut - this creates a happier home for healthy bacteria and a much healthier YOU (especially through cold and flu season).
  • Fermented foods (sauerkraut, kombucha tea, kimchi, kefir, etc) - Like bone broth, these foods feed the good bacteria in your gut. Healthy gut bacteria = healthy you. 

Using these spices will naturally boost your immune system: 

  • Ginger - Ginger is rich in phytonutrients called gingerols, which are both antibacterial AND antiviral. Plus, ginger is great for your digestion (and like I mentioned above, a healthy gut is key to a healthy you). 
  • Turmeric - The active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, and its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power has been shown to protect and heal virtually every organ in the human body.
  • Cayenne Pepper - High in capsaicin and vitamin A, cayenne pepper is also an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory power house. I like to imagine the fiery spice burning off any bad stuff in my system. 
  • Garlic - Garlic contains the active ingredient allicin, which fights infection and bacteria. Okay, but really how effective is it?? British researchers gave 146 people either a placebo or a garlic extract for 12 weeks; the garlic takers were two-thirds less likely to catch a cold.
Em's also a total yogi and yoga instructor (and running coach!)

Em's also a total yogi and yoga instructor (and running coach!)

And because I wouldn't leave you hanging without some recipes, here are a few that are full of the foods and spices noted above:

Fire Up Ginger Tea
Greens with Garlic Infused Olive Oil
Tempeh with Mushrooms, Onions + Tomato Sauce
Slow Cooker Beef Bone Broth
Golden Turmeric Milk

Whew, okay, that's a lot of information for one post! Your homework for this week is to have at least TWO of these foods every single day. You may already be doing it without realizing it, and if that's the case, I encourage you to try something new. Always cook with garlic? Swap in ginger. Avid kombucha drinker? Try another fermented beverage like kefir or beet kvass

Next week I will be sharing my favorite immune boosting supplements and essential oils! Stay tuned!

Healthy hugs,



Sign up for Emily's list here and get her Part 2 and Part 3 of her immunity boosting tips series delivered straight to your inbox in the next two weeks! I look forward to her emails every week. In fact, they're one of the very flew blogs I actually receive straight to my inbox, because her emails are informative, smart and FUN. I love sharing what I believe in with my community! 

Be well,


Emily Nachazel is a Holistic Health Coach and Registered Yoga Instructor based in Brooklyn, New York. She works with busy people who want to increase their energy and manage stress through conscious lifestyle choices. She teaches her clients to feel good about their food, feel great about their bodies, and feel EMPOWERED to live their lives to the absolute fullest. Emily has a passion for creating healthy treats. To see what she’s making and eating every day, follow Emily on social media @EmilyNachazel and visit her website



20 Ways to Get Adrenal Fatigue

I'm so glad you're here. Thank you.

In case you missed it, here's Part 1, my introduction on how I was diagnosed with Adrenal Fatigue and how I healed myself in just 10 months. 

This is a serious subject (and deeply personal to me), but I want to write this article with some semblance of fun in it, so let's talk through 20 WAYS TO GET ADRENAL FATIGUE, as if it's something we desire. (It's not).

I'm lucky I was only in Phase One of Adrenal Fatigue (feeling wired, tired + exhausted) when I found out. You can learn more online about the adrenal burnout and flatlined hormonal symptoms of Phase Two and Phrase Three. There's a ton of good work out there on the internet, so I suggest you read up and write down your specific symptoms before you speak to your doctor.

Warning (!) my traditional Primary Care Physician completely dismissed my question about high cortisol levels BACK IN 2013. I was pretty hurt. It wasn't until two years later that I decided I'd had enough of feeling so stressed and overwhelmed and somewhat burnt-out all the time. I deeply knew SOMETHING WAS UP and found a functional medicine doctor who would listen to me. 

You don't need a doctor though, you can start healing on your own. Read up below! 


Back to You

I created this list based off my own experience and there are definitely points I'm missing. Feel free to add your own and really think about this issue through a new lens.

Notice your patterns, tick off which ones you're currently exposed to, and we'll talk about ways to unwind these issues and other aspects of stress throughout the rest of my blog series. 

This blog is quite casual and conversationalist - so pardon the tone - I want to get it out in the world now and edit it for clarity and formal publication at a later time. 

I do hope this could be a wake-up call for some of you. But please be kind to yourself.  This might really touch a cord on a very deep level.

Remember, I'm with you! 


Let me be clear, I was doing ALL of these things. In many ways, I created the perfect storm for stress in my life. If just a few are happening for you, you're going to be OK

So here we go, a list of the big triggers to watch out for:  

1. Skimp on Sleep. Sleep only 4-6 hours a night when you know you should be getting 7-9 hours of shut-eye. I'd set my alarm for super early AM workouts, clocking in 5-7.5 hours of sleep. Now I sleep 8-9 hours and feel amazing. 

2. Drink 3-5 cups of Coffee a Day to maintain alertness and mask your symptoms of deep fatigue and burnout. I was at 3-4 cups of Coffee per day before I quit Finance.  Now I have one cup a day and life is good! If I find myself reaching for two cups of coffee a day, I know something is UP and I need to take a hard look at my schedule, take something off my to-do list and rest more. 

3. Eat a ton of sugar. And packaged foods that cause significant stressors within the body. Thankfully I've always had a pretty sugar-free and clean diet, but sugar is a HUGE stress on the system! Look for hidden sugars, be a sugar detective. 

4. Restrict Carbohydrates. Long-term restriction of carbs (i.e. Atkins type diet or extreme South Beach Diet) can put pressure on your system and your hormones, especially females and those who exercise frequently. Your body needs good complex carbs for fuel and muscle recovery! Include oatmeal, quinoa, brown rice, sweet potatoes etc. in your diet, along with 2-3 servings of fruit per day. Don't try to trick the system. You can't outsmart your body with a severally low-carb diet for ten years like I did. It's fine to go low-carb for a month or two to lose weight, but then start including complex carbs back in to your lifestyle. They're not scary, I've now made friends with them! 

5. Don't breathe. I always labeled myself as a terrible breather, breathing upwards from my shoulders rather than belly breaths using my diaphragm. Deep belly breaths reduce the stress-response and activate the parasympathetic "rest and digest system."  Learning how to breathe was freaking hard. You can learn though! It takes time and practice. I have a bunch of tips and tricks I use with my clients now. 

6. Drink Alcohol to "Reduce Stress": I definitely did this when I felt stress building in my body. A couple glasses of wine on a Friday night to chill-out, a happy hour with finance colleagues, a Saturday night free-for-all etc, etc. Alcohol might push off the feelings of stress symptoms for a few hours or evening, but it only makes it worse the next day and adds to chronic cortisol elevation over time. It's the old "kicking the can down the road" scenario.

7. Promise Unrealistic Deadlines: I worked through this during my years in Finance. Saying enthusiastically, "oh I'll get you this by end of day, and then frantically scrambling to get everything done by a certain time" can leave you with feelings of panic, a tension headache, or worse, long-term stress. Learn how to under-promise and over-deliver to build in more time and cushion for your projects. 

8. Stress by Email: Emails are going to kill you. Guess what, they're NOT. It's just an email. Reframe your thought process. What's the worst that can happen? Will this email matter in five years? 

9. Over-schedule your life! Say yes to everything and plan your life down to the minute. I didn't even realize I was doing this! Now I build in unstructured time and evenings and entire weekend days with zero plans. I need it to unwind. 

10. Look at technology right before bed and first thing when you wake up: Zing, stressor! Now I try to put my phone away to charge by 9pm and depending upon my morning, wait until 8am or 9am to check my emails or texts or Instagram updates. This allows me time to tech detox every night, rather than having stress build in my system from technology overload. It helps me unwind in the evening, process my own thoughts from the day and sleep better too.  


LET'S TAKE A LITTLE BREATHER, count to three. Think of something happy. OK, you can continue now! 


All finance-y in my biz suit back in 2013.&nbsp;Biz trip to California - I was a total health nut, all dressed up as an investor relations professional! AND STRESSED.&nbsp;

All finance-y in my biz suit back in 2013. Biz trip to California - I was a total health nut, all dressed up as an investor relations professional! AND STRESSED. 


11. Don't chew your food. Ok, please, CHEW. I would eat my massive Chop't Salads for lunch at my cubicle while writing back to "stressful" emails, and use seltzer water to help get the food down my eating pipe. I would barely chew because I had this crazy notion that if I didn't chew, my system would have to work harder and I'd burn MORE calories. THATS CRAZY and NOT TRUE. I'd also eat part of my breakfast as I was fast-walking to the subway. Your digestive process essentially comes to a complete stop when in an alert, stressed and sympathetic nervous system state. Cue, bloating, inflammation and more stress on the system.

12. Do Metabolic Conditioning 5x a Week:  I would sometimes do five high metabolic intensity workouts a week, at 6am, and then rush to work. Recipe for disaster. High-intensity metabolic conditioning is fine (bootcamps, interval sprints, spinning), but aim for two a week, max. And try to build in ten minutes after your workout to stretch and unwind and let your nervous system calm down, rather than grabbing your keys and booking it out the door and rushing to your next thing. Add in slow, steady and HEAVY strength training and give yourself breaks between sets to breathe, get water, stretch for a minute. 

13. Workout at 6am on an empty stomach: If you're going for a long-walk on an empty stomach or a yoga class or a slow jog. FINE. Do it on an empty stomach if you want. But a bootcamp or high-intensity workout on an empty stomach for "fasted cardio"? Your body thinks you are 1) starving and 2) running away from the tiger. Eat something small (about 100-150 calories) pre-workout so your body knows fuel is available and nearby. 

14. Live in New York City: Yup, had to include this zinger. This place is absolutely nuts and a feeding-ground for stress. Being in nature can automatically bring your stress-levels down 15-20%. That's HUGELY SIGNIFICANT. How can you bring in nature to your life? Schedule hikes outside the city? Walk along a beach? Put in ear-phones and walk along a river? Buy a plant for your window? 

15. Rush to Work. Every day. For years: This one kills me. I would clock my minute by minute rush to work. It would essentially create a 30+ minute stress-response in my life every single day. For over six years. If could do it again, I'd truly build in that ten minutes of extra time. Or better yet, have a very candid conversation with my boss about how if I got to work at 9:01am, or 9:10am or god forbid, 9:15 or 9:30am, I'd be sure to stay later in the day to wrap up my work. I turned myself in to a basket-case exercising in the morning and then sprinting to the subway to get to my desk by 8:57am to avoid getting spoken to.  

16. Work until you are sick. I now believe in taking a day-off BEFORE YOU GET SICK. You can tell when this is happening. You know when a cold is coming on or the flu. Why don't we have pre-sick days rather than sick days? If everyone took two "pre-sick" days a year, and rested and putzed around the house in sweatpants, went for a walk, read a book and got a massage, we'd all be a lot healthier. 

17. Work until you are burned out. I used to go pedal-to-the-metal for five weeks, and then experience a huge crash where I'd have to cancel all my weekend plans and have a "Michelle Weekend" where I'd sleep, hole up in sweats, go to the gym or yoga, do errands, re-set my life and not see a soul. My friends came to expect this of me, and I of myself. I'd work, work, work, and then crash. That, my friends, is burnout. 

18. Be a perfectionist. Still working on this one. Dealing with failure or constructive criticism or criticism in general is really hard for me. I rarely ask for feedback (Business 101, FAIL). But seriously, perfectionism is the root of many stressors in life. Can you be good-enough? Can you lower the bar? Can you aim for B's instead of A's? Can you also realize that your 85% perfect is someone else's best effort? You're doing great, be content.

19. Numb your Body: If you really listen, your body is telling you you're stressed. Here are some physical signs :: tight or ridged torso, migraines, tension headaches, restricted breathing, skin breaking out, a deep feeling of fatigue, feeling "wired and tired" at night, not being able to get out of bed in the morning, lying wide-eyed at night not able to fall asleep, feeling like a run or a glass of wine is the only thing that's going to chill you out. Here are some mental signs: anxiety, overwhelm, hopelessness, wanting to cry, feeling depleted, feeling constantly busy. This is stress in the body and the mind. So don't numb yourself with food, alcohol, caffeine, constant busyness, over-scheduling, over-work, bad relationships or technology-addiction. Go for a walk and listen to what your body is trying to tell you. 


20. Be Hard on Yourself: Always aim for the next best thing, punish yourself with workouts, push yourself to eat a certain way. NO. Be gentle, learn to mother yourself, be kind to what your body needs, realize that what you might need will change day-over-day. You are your own best cheerleader, your own best advocate, so love yourself up and I promise you, it will help. 

Well, now you know!

That felt extremely personal to write and if I helped one person, I'll consider this a success. 


I hope I didn't overwhelm you!

This is a lot to take in, I know.

Remember this took me years to figure out.

And now I work with many of my private nutrition clients - in personalized programs of just six months - to improve their eating patterns, lifestyle habits AND stress-responses. 

It's all part of our health folks. 

The first step in anything is truly recognizing the symptoms and modes of operation internally. You can start working on this NOW. Take your own notes. YOU are the CEO of your own health. 

I bet if you really listen in, you'll know. 

Having a coach can really help. Drop me a line here to tell me what's going on for you : I'd truly love to hear.

Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing (please share!), and stay tuned for the rest of my blog series Adrenal Fatigue (Part 1) and tips that will work for you. 

Carry-on self-care warriors!

You ARE Calm & Strong. 










Adrenal Fatigue: I had it, could you?

Hello readers, friends, family! Thank you for being here. Thank you for reading. 

What I'm about to share is quite personal and I haven't been ready to write about it until this very moment. 

Short story :: I was diagnosed with Phase One Adrenal Fatigue and Elevated Cortisol levels in August 2015 ... AND I HEALED MYSELF.


By June 2016 I was declared "back to normal" by my functional medicine doctor and by late August I was cleared to run long distances again. Big sigh of relief.

The long story? I could write a freaking book about it.

(And I probably will).  

Why I've kept this A secret

I was hesitant to share too much of my story earlier this year. I had to first prove to myself that I could heal and then turn to help all of you.

I've also been kicking butt starting my own thriving business with FitVistaand focusing on all the good things going on in my public forums, such as my blog and Instagram

And ironically, it was another challenge for me to ace = Could I heal myself from stress?


A+ to you Michelle . . . .

Learning to unwind my patterns of stress, my modes of operating in the world, my need for perfection, my straight A-student mentality has been the hardest thing I've ever done.

Learning how to relax and CHILL-OUT is NOT easy.

It struck at the very core of my self-identity.

See, the type of person I am, the work ethic I have, my need to constantly be "doing" and my sheer love and passion for so many things, activities and learning (!) has gotten me where I am today.

But it also got me sick, over-whelmed, burnt-out and at risk for longer-term health problems. 

Does this sound like you?

Take a moment.

Take a deep breath. 

The root of many lifestyle diseases, cancer, amenorrhea and auto-immune issues is chronic stress. I'm glad I caught it early, put in the hard work to make lifestyle and mindset shifts and am now so proud and happy to say I'm all better!


Who is at risk for Adrenal Fatigue?

I'm convinced that at least half of New-Yorkers and high-achieving, successful individuals have some level of adrenal and stress issues at play. Cortisol = the stress hormone. This work hard / play hard mentality only exacerbates the issues of elevated cortisol in the body. 


I thought leaving my job in Finance and pursing my passion for health and wellness would magically make the stress go away. It didn't.

It was replaced with new forms of stress. Because I was still the same person. I still operated the same way. I still had the same software. 

Because wherever you go, there you are. You know? 

Levels of cortisol can stay chronically elevated if you're exposing yourself to the same stressors over and over. You literally create ruts in your neurological pathways that continually trigger the stress response. And unfortunately, you don't go to sleep at night and wake-up with magically lower levels (although sleep helps a ton).

You need to make adjustments to your lifestyle and chip away at chronically high stress levels over time. No pill can do this. But time arbitrage, SLEEP, walks in nature and a literal re-wiring of your neurological stress-response can. 

But before we get to all the healing aspects, let's talk STRESS in the first place.

The big six letter S word.

Stress is evolutionary good. It's designed to protect us. When we're getting chased by the tiger, we want adrenaline and cortisol pumping through our body. 

But we're not getting chased by the tiger anymore. Stress comes in the form of emails from the boss, mile-long to-do lists, rushing to pick up the kids, getting stuck in traffic, being late for work. 

This is chronic stress. 

Physical symptoms include shallow breathing, tightness in the chest and torso, anxiety, feeling wired and tired at night, lethargic and exhausted at times, always being "so busy and so stressed", unable to sleep, contemplating burn-out and dealing on and off with overwhelm.

Some of these things are parts of life! (Especially for you new moms out there.) And I get it, work projects or life-events can throw you in a tail-spin for a couple weeks.

But if this is your normal every day existence, let's talk about it. 

Over the years, this cortisol can build and build in your system and impact your health. Not only does it put on weight around your midsection (your dear body is trying to protect your internal organs), but it can impact your happiness and quality of life. When we're feeling blah, we're much more likely to reach for high-calorie, high-density foods, and thus gain weight. Or maybe we're "so stressed" we're not eating nutrient-rich foods, and thereby impacting our health for the worse.

I'm fascinated by the intersection between nutrition and stress and this is where I've spent most of my time in the last couple years, researching, reading, working with clients. 



Whew, Deep Breath Folks! 

That felt extremely personal to write and if I helped one person, I'll consider this a success.

Does this sound like it could be something going on for you?

I'll be posting soon on my 20 Ways to Get Adrenal Fatigue and see what triggers you might be exposing yourself to daily. 

Remember this took me years to figure out. And now I work with many of my private nutrition clients to improve their eating patterns, lifestyle habits AND stress-responses. It's all part of our health folks. 

Having a nutrition coach that can talk to you about stress can really help. Drop me a line here to tell me what's going on for you : I'd truly love to hear.

Thanks for reading, thanks for sharing (please share!), and stay tuned for my upcoming series of posts on Adrenal Fatigue and tips that will work for you. 

You ARE Calm & Strong. 



PS: I AM running the NYC Marathon on November 6th! My functional medicine doctor at Parsley Health cleared me to run on August 29th and I've been safely and steadily training, being careful not to overwhelm my system. Am I going to beat my personal best time of 3:54? NO. Am I going to get my dream time of 3:43? HECK NO. But I'm determined to "run for fun" and think of it as a gift to myself because I HEALED MYSELF. So yes, I'm gifting myself the present of running the NYC Marathon for taking the steps to heal myself from Adrenal Fatigue. I told you I'm crazy!

Do I think a marathon is good for you body? No. 

Slow long-distance Running can be a big time stressor for your system, especially those who run "junk miles." I've been focusing on strength training, runs of 4-6 miles, a few longer runs (11-14 miles tops) and mostly interval work on the treadmill for speed. Very modified form of training, but SAFE! 

To end on a happy note, I'd love for you to cheer me on during the big day! I'll post my BIB # and ways to track me via the Marathon App through my Instagram before race weekend. Keep tabs through my Insta here! I can't wait to see you on the course! CALM & STRONG is my motto, so cheer it loud! 

Why You Did NOT Gain 3 Pounds over the 3-Day Weekend

First, chill.

You did NOT gain three pounds in three days.

That would mean you would have had to eat and drink an extra 3,500 calories every single day. An extra pound of bodyfat is more or less equivalent to 3,500 extra calories.

So let's do the math together. In order to gain three pounds in three days you'd need to eat your standard 2,000 calories per day, and add on 3,500 additional calories. So that's 5,500 calories, three days in a row. Even if you indulged in too much wine, too much BBQ, bowls of chips, cheese, icecream or whatever is making your stomach hurt today, you did not gain three pounds. 

Sigh of relief.

Breathe. Now. 

Let's talk about why your scale might like to PRETEND you gained three pounds over a three-day weekend or a three-day business trip:

Travel can temporarily boost the number on your scale for a variety of reasons :: 


Salt = if you're eating most of your food out in restaurants, airports, pre-packaged snacks, nuts etc, there is usually more refined table salt, which can lead to water retention.

Dehydration + Bloat = if you are dehydrated, your body actually thinks it needs to HOLD ON to more water, to protect yourself and keep your organs functioning. So that, my friends, means you'll hold on to that little water you have and you may feel kind of poofy. The key to get rid of this poof and bloat is to drink MORE water so your body knows it can release its supply, pee out it's rationed reserves and flush out your system. Drink up!

Constipation = if you're not on your regular pooping schedule or are holding a bit back, that can easily be a pound of weight holding out in your body. Wait, what, how much does poop weigh? I know you're now insanely curious, so I did the google search for you.  A day or two of poop can weigh between one and four pounds. Oh my gosh, I KNOW.  Add in more fiber and water today, to help things slide right along. 

Carbs or Sugar = For every gram of carb you eat, you hold on to an extra 3 grams of water weight within your cells. So if you've eaten more refined carbs in the last few days, you're holding on to more water. That's why a lot of people can "slim down in 4 days" and "lose 6 pounds" by severally restricting carbs. They're essentially just losing short-term water weight. 

Alcohol = It's highly inflammatory. When you have more inflammation in your body, you'll feel a bit bloated. Also, since alcohol is dehyrating (see above), you'll retain more water as a safety mechanism.  Again, drink up water, and flush it out. 


Still Digesting Red Meat = if you've had red meat it could still be in your digestive tract. A hamburger or a steak can take 24 hours to digest. So yes, it's weighing you down on the scale.

Also, airplanes can do a ton of funky stuff to the scale - so give yourself a few days to normalize and weigh yourself again once you're back on track. That will be a truer reflection of your actual weight.

What can you do in the meantime? I love this question!

How Quickly Can You Make a Comeback?

A true measure of success in your nutrition is how quickly you can make a comeback. How quickly can you get back to baseline?  Do you falter around for a few days or do you have system to immediately get back on track? 

You definitely may have gained a pound over the weekend, or heck, 10 pounds over the whole summer.

I get it. 


Make a plan. 

Fill your body with the nutrients from real foods and flood your cells with hydration from whole fruits, veggies and water.

It's safe and realistic to lose 1-2 pounds of bodyfat a week. I like to say 5 pounds a month.

Do the math. Where will you be in six months?

Use this as an opportunity for renewed inspiration, making fitness plans, going to the grocery store and prepping out healthy meal choices.

You'll get back to normal soon, I promise.

Email me at and I'll hold you accountable for your September goals, gratis!  

Let my Brag about a Few of my Clients

Because I'm So Darn Proud of them

(And we shouldn't be modest ALL the time)


My clients are putting in the effort and seeing the results. It's been inspired, it's been hard, it's been life-altering and many say it's been fun.

Because you know what? Getting healthier can and should feel REALLY GOOD. 

One male in his 30's healthified his take-out / pick-up NYC dinners, cut back on his alcohol, committed to a strength training program with a personal trainer, and since starting our work together in January he went from 220 to 193 pounds, while gaining lean muscle strength. Losing 27 pounds of bodyfat. Phenomenal.

One woman in her 30's added #sexyveggies to her nutrition, upped her protein intake, eliminated her pasta-at-night cravings, cut back on her alcohol intake, increased her running mileage and dropped over 20 pounds, and EVERYONE is noticing.

One woman in her early 30's - who was already serious about her healthy diet and her dedicated running program - started working with me, added serious strength training to her schedule, focused on stress-reduction and stress-management techniques and finally saw the scale budge by 6 pounds + after years of feeling stuck. She's now the lightest and fittest she's been since high school!

One client in her late 40's, cut DOWN on her intense bootcamp classes, added gentle yoga and walks to her fitness routine, ditched her morning sugar cravings, added a ton of salads to her week, lost "the last 5 pounds" and in her words, "shifted my whole attitude about food."

And it's not just about the scale people. The WHY behind your goals is even more important. Feeling like the best, realest version of YOU. Vibrant. Alive. Energetic. The YOU you know is there, beneath it all. Beneath the frustration and the false starts and sometimes the yo-yos. I'm so proud of all my clients and the shifts they're making in their lifestyles - I could write an entire book with all their accomplishments!

I'm only taking on TWO (OK maaaaaybe three) more clients in September to work with me in my signature six month private coaching program.

You want in? Sign up for a consultation here and see if nutrition health coaching is the right fit for you to optimize your health and reach your goals. Or email me at with your thoughts and/or goals for the Fall. Know someone who wants a kickstart? Send 'em my way. Together we are strong! Spots go quickly!